indexControls how the item's fields are indexed for search operations.
Path syntax supports:
// Index specific fields
index: ["metadata.title", "chapters[*].content"]
// Disable indexing
index: false
Unique identifier for the document within its namespace. Together with namespace forms the complete path to the item.
Example: If namespace is ["documents", "user123"] and key is "report1", the full path would effectively be "documents/user123/report1"
Hierarchical path for the item. Acts as a folder-like structure to organize items. Each element represents one level in the hierarchy.
// Root level documents
namespace: ["documents"]
// User-specific documents
namespace: ["documents", "user123"]
// Nested cache structure
namespace: ["cache", "docs", "v1"]
Data to be stored, or null to delete the item. Must be a JSON-serializable object with string keys. Setting to null signals that the item should be deleted.
* field1: "string value",
* field2: 123,
* nested: { can: "contain", any: "serializable data" }
* }
Operation to store, update, or delete an item.