Interface ChannelProtocol<ValueType, UpdateType, CheckpointType>

interface ChannelProtocol<
    ValueType = unknown,
    UpdateType = unknown,
    CheckpointType = unknown,
> {
    lc_graph_name: string;
    UpdateType: UpdateType;
    ValueType: ValueType;
    checkpoint(): undefined | CheckpointType;
    fromCheckpoint(checkpoint?: CheckpointType): this;
    get(): ValueType;
    update(values: UpdateType[]): void;

Type Parameters

  • ValueType = unknown
  • UpdateType = unknown
  • CheckpointType = unknown


lc_graph_name: string

The name of the channel.

UpdateType: UpdateType
ValueType: ValueType


  • Return a string representation of the channel's current state.

    Returns undefined | CheckpointType

    if the channel is empty (never updated yet), or doesn't support checkpoints.

  • Return a new identical channel, optionally initialized from a checkpoint. Can be thought of as a "restoration" from a checkpoint which is a "snapshot" of the channel's state.


    Returns this

  • Return the current value of the channel.

    Returns ValueType

    if the channel is empty (never updated yet).

  • Update the channel's value with the given sequence of updates. The order of the updates in the sequence is arbitrary.


    Returns void

    if the sequence of updates is invalid.