Utility class for working with channels in the Pregel system. Provides static methods for subscribing to channels and writing to them.

Channels are the communication pathways between nodes in a Pregel graph. They enable message passing and state updates between different parts of the graph.





  • Creates a PregelNode that subscribes to a single channel. This is used to define how nodes receive input from channels.


    Returns PregelNode<any, any>

    A PregelNode configured to receive from the specified channels


    // Subscribe to a single channel
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo("messages");

    // Subscribe to multiple channels
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo(["messages", "state"]);

    // Subscribe with a custom key
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo("messages", { key: "chat" });


    If a key is specified when subscribing to multiple channels

  • Creates a PregelNode that subscribes to multiple channels. This is used to define how nodes receive input from channels.


    Returns PregelNode<any, any>

    A PregelNode configured to receive from the specified channels


    // Subscribe to a single channel
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo("messages");

    // Subscribe to multiple channels
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo(["messages", "state"]);

    // Subscribe with a custom key
    const node = Channel.subscribeTo("messages", { key: "chat" });


    If a key is specified when subscribing to multiple channels

  • Creates a ChannelWrite that specifies how to write values to channels. This is used to define how nodes send output to channels.


    • channels: string[]

      Array of channel names to write to

    • Optional writes: Record<string, unknown>

      Optional map of channel names to values or transformations

    Returns ChannelWrite<any>

    A ChannelWrite object that can be used to write to the specified channels


    // Write to multiple channels
    const write = Channel.writeTo(["output", "state"]);

    // Write with specific values
    const write = Channel.writeTo(["output"], {
    state: "completed",
    result: calculateResult()

    // Write with a transformation function
    const write = Channel.writeTo(["output"], {
    result: (x) => processResult(x)