A message or packet to send to a specific node in the graph.

The Send class is used within a StateGraph's conditional edges to dynamically invoke a node with a custom state at the next step.

Importantly, the sent state can differ from the core graph's state, allowing for flexible and dynamic workflow management.

One such example is a "map-reduce" workflow where your graph invokes the same node multiple times in parallel with different states, before aggregating the results back into the main graph's state.

import { Annotation, Send, StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph";

const ChainState = Annotation.Root({
subjects: Annotation<string[]>,
jokes: Annotation<string[]>({
reducer: (a, b) => a.concat(b),

const continueToJokes = async (state: typeof ChainState.State) => {
return state.subjects.map((subject) => {
return new Send("generate_joke", { subjects: [subject] });

const graph = new StateGraph(ChainState)
.addNode("generate_joke", (state) => ({
jokes: [`Joke about ${state.subjects}`],
.addConditionalEdges("__start__", continueToJokes)
.addEdge("generate_joke", "__end__")

const res = await graph.invoke({ subjects: ["cats", "dogs"] });

// Invoking with two subjects results in a generated joke for each
// { subjects: ["cats", "dogs"], jokes: [`Joke about cats`, `Joke about dogs`] }


  • SendInterface





  • Parameters

    • node: string
    • args: any

    Returns Send


args: any
lg_name: string
node: string


  • Returns { args: any; node: string }