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Prompt Optimization API Reference



    model: str | BaseChatModel,
    kind: KINDS = "gradient",
    config: Union[
    ] = None,
) -> Runnable[OptimizerInput, str]

Create a prompt optimizer that improves prompt effectiveness.

This function creates an optimizer that can analyze and improve prompts for better performance with language models. It supports multiple optimization strategies to iteratively enhance prompt quality and effectiveness.


  • model (Union[str, BaseChatModel]) –

    The language model to use for optimization. Can be a model name string or a BaseChatModel instance.

  • kind (Literal[gradient, prompt_memory, metaprompt], default: 'gradient' ) –

    The optimization strategy to use. Each strategy offers different benefits:

    • gradient: Separates concerns between finding areas for improvement and recommending updates
    • prompt_memory: Simple single-shot metaprompt
    • metaprompt: Supports reflection but each step is a single LLM call.
  • config (Optional[OptimizerConfig], default: None ) –

    Configuration options for the optimizer. The type depends on the chosen strategy:

    - GradientOptimizerConfig for kind="gradient"
    - PromptMemoryConfig for kind="prompt_memory"
    - MetapromptOptimizerConfig for kind="metaprompt"

    Defaults to None.


  • optimizer ( Runnable[OptimizerInput, str] ) –

    A callable that takes conversation trajectories and/or prompts and returns optimized versions.

Optimization Strategies

1. Gradient Optimizer
    participant U as User
    participant O as Optimizer
    participant R as Reflection
    participant U2 as Update

    U->>O: Prompt + Feedback
    loop For min_steps to max_steps
        O->>R: Think/Critique Current State
        R-->>O: Proposed Improvements
        O->>U2: Apply Update
        U2-->>O: Updated Prompt
    O->>U: Final Optimized Prompt

The gradient optimizer uses reflection to propose improvements:

  1. Analyzes prompt and feedback through reflection cycles
  2. Proposes specific improvements
  3. Applies single-step updates

Configuration (GradientOptimizerConfig):

  • gradient_prompt: Custom prompt for predicting "what to improve"
  • metaprompt: Custom prompt for applying the improvements
  • max_reflection_steps: Maximum reflection iterations (default: 3)
  • min_reflection_steps: Minimum reflection iterations (default: 1)
2. Meta-Prompt Optimizer
    participant U as User
    participant M as MetaOptimizer
    participant A as Analysis
    participant U2 as Update

    U->>M: Prompt + Examples
    M->>A: Analyze Examples
    A-->>M: Proposed Update
    M->>U2: Apply Update
    U2-->>U: Enhanced Prompt

Uses meta-learning to directly propose updates:

  1. Analyzes examples to understand patterns
  2. Proposes direct prompt updates
  3. Applies updates in a single step

Configuration (MetapromptOptimizerConfig):

  • metaprompt: Custom instructions on how to update the prompt
  • max_reflection_steps: Maximum meta-learning steps (default: 3)
  • min_reflection_steps: Minimum meta-learning steps (default: 1)
3. Prompt Memory Optimizer
    participant U as User
    participant P as PromptMemory
    participant M as Memory

    U->>P: Prompt + History
    P->>M: Extract Patterns
    M-->>P: Success Patterns
    P->>U: Updated Prompt

Learns from conversation history:

  1. Extracts successful patterns from past interactions
  2. Identifies improvement areas from feedback
  3. Applies learned patterns to new prompts

No additional configuration required.


Basic prompt optimization:

from langmem import create_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_prompt_optimizer("anthropic:claude-3-5-sonnet-latest")

# Example conversation with feedback
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "Tell me about the solar system"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "The solar system consists of..."},
feedback = {"clarity": "needs more structure"}

# Use conversation history to improve the prompt
trajectories = [(conversation, feedback)]
better_prompt = await optimizer.ainvoke(
    {"trajectories": trajectories, "prompt": "You are an astronomy expert"}
# Output: 'Provide a comprehensive overview of the solar system...'

Optimizing with conversation feedback:

from langmem import create_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_prompt_optimizer(
    "anthropic:claude-3-5-sonnet-latest", kind="prompt_memory"

# Conversation with feedback about what could be improved
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "How do I write a bash script?"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Let me explain bash scripting..."},
feedback = "Response should include a code example"

# Use the conversation and feedback to improve the prompt
trajectories = [(conversation, {"feedback": feedback})]
better_prompt = await optimizer(trajectories, "You are a coding assistant")
# Output: 'You are a coding assistant that always includes...'

Meta-prompt optimization for complex tasks:

from langmem import create_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_prompt_optimizer(
    config={"max_reflection_steps": 3, "min_reflection_steps": 1},

# Complex conversation that needs better structure
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "Explain quantum computing"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Quantum computing uses..."},
feedback = "Need better organization and concrete examples"

# Optimize with meta-learning
trajectories = [(conversation, feedback)]
improved_prompt = await optimizer(
    trajectories, "You are a quantum computing expert"

Performance Considerations

Each strategy has different LLM call patterns:

  • prompt_memory: 1 LLM call total
    • Fastest as it only needs one pass
  • metaprompt: 1-5 LLM calls (configurable)
    • Each step is one LLM call
    • Default range: min 2, max 5 reflection steps
  • gradient: 2-10 LLM calls (configurable)
    • Each step requires 2 LLM calls (think + critique)
    • Default range: min 2, max 5 reflection steps

Strategy Selection

Choose based on your needs:

  1. Prompt Memory: Simplest prompting strategy
    • Limited ability to learn from complicated patterns
  2. Metaprompt: Balance of speed and improvement
    • Moderate cost (2-5 LLM calls)
  3. Gradient: Most thorough but expensive
    • Highest cost (4-10 LLM calls)
    • Uses separation of concerns to extract feedback from more conversational context.


    model: str | BaseChatModel,
    kind: Literal[
        "gradient", "prompt_memory", "metaprompt"
    ] = "gradient",
    config: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Runnable[MultiPromptOptimizerInput, list[Prompt]]

Create a multi-prompt optimizer that improves prompt effectiveness.

This function creates an optimizer that can analyze and improve multiple prompts simultaneously using the same optimization strategy. Each prompt is optimized using the selected strategy (see create_prompt_optimizer for strategy details).


  • model (Union[str, BaseChatModel]) –

    The language model to use for optimization. Can be a model name string or a BaseChatModel instance.

  • kind (Literal[gradient, prompt_memory, metaprompt], default: 'gradient' ) –

    The optimization strategy to use. Each strategy offers different benefits: - gradient: Iteratively improves through reflection - prompt_memory: Uses successful past prompts - metaprompt: Learns optimal patterns via meta-learning Defaults to "gradient".

  • config (Optional[OptimizerConfig], default: None ) –

    Configuration options for the optimizer. The type depends on the chosen strategy: - GradientOptimizerConfig for kind="gradient" - PromptMemoryConfig for kind="prompt_memory" - MetapromptOptimizerConfig for kind="metaprompt" Defaults to None.


    participant U as User
    participant M as Multi-prompt Optimizer
    participant C as Credit Assigner
    participant O as Single-prompt Optimizer
    participant P as Prompts

    U->>M: Annotated Trajectories + Prompts
    activate M
    Note over M: Using pre-initialized<br/>single-prompt optimizer

    M->>C: Analyze trajectories
    activate C
    Note over C: Determine which prompts<br/>need improvement
    C-->>M: Credit assignment results
    deactivate C

    loop For each prompt needing update
        M->>O: Optimize prompt
        activate O
        O->>P: Apply optimization strategy
        Note over O,P: Gradient/Memory/Meta<br/>optimization
        P-->>O: Optimized prompt
        O-->>M: Return result
        deactivate O

    M->>U: Return optimized prompts
    deactivate M

The system optimizer:


Basic prompt optimization:

from langmem import create_multi_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_multi_prompt_optimizer("anthropic:claude-3-5-sonnet-latest")

# Example conversation with feedback
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "Tell me about the solar system"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "The solar system consists of..."},
feedback = {"clarity": "needs more structure"}

# Use conversation history to improve the prompts
trajectories = [(conversation, feedback)]
prompts = [
    {"name": "research", "prompt": "Research the given topic thoroughly"},
    {"name": "summarize", "prompt": "Summarize the research findings"},
better_prompts = await optimizer.ainvoke(
    {"trajectories": trajectories, "prompts": prompts}

Optimizing with conversation feedback:

from langmem import create_multi_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_multi_prompt_optimizer(
    "anthropic:claude-3-5-sonnet-latest", kind="prompt_memory"

# Conversation with feedback about what could be improved
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "How do I write a bash script?"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Let me explain bash scripting..."},
feedback = "Response should include a code example"

# Use the conversation and feedback to improve the prompts
trajectories = [(conversation, {"feedback": feedback})]
prompts = [
    {"name": "explain", "prompt": "Explain the concept"},
    {"name": "example", "prompt": "Provide a practical example"},
better_prompts = await optimizer(trajectories, prompts)

Controlling the max number of reflection steps:

from langmem import create_multi_prompt_optimizer

optimizer = create_multi_prompt_optimizer(
    config={"max_reflection_steps": 3, "min_reflection_steps": 1},

# Complex conversation that needs better structure
conversation = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "Explain quantum computing"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Quantum computing uses..."},
# Explicit feedback is optional
feedback = None

# Optimize with meta-learning
trajectories = [(conversation, feedback)]
prompts = [
    {"name": "concept", "prompt": "Explain quantum concepts"},
    {"name": "application", "prompt": "Show practical applications"},
    {"name": "example", "prompt": "Give concrete examples"},
improved_prompts = await optimizer(trajectories, prompts)


  • Prompt –

    TypedDict for structured prompt management and optimization.

  • OptimizerInput –

    Input for single-prompt optimization.

  • MultiPromptOptimizerInput –

    Input for optimizing multiple prompts together, maintaining consistency.

  • AnnotatedTrajectory –

    Conversation history (list of messages) with optional feedback for prompt optimization.


Bases: TypedDict

TypedDict for structured prompt management and optimization.

from langmem import Prompt

prompt = Prompt(
    prompt="Extract key entities from the text:",
    update_instructions="Make minimal changes, only address where"
    " errors have occurred after reasoning over why they occur.",
    when_to_update="If there seem to be errors in recall of named entities.",

The name and prompt fields are required. Optional fields control optimization: - update_instructions: Guidelines for modifying the prompt - when_to_update: Dependencies between prompts during optimization

Use in the prompt optimizers.


Bases: TypedDict

Input for single-prompt optimization.

    "trajectories": [
                {"role": "user", "content": "What's the weather like?"},
                    "role": "assistant",
                    "content": "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that",
            feedback="Should have checked your search tool.",
    "prompt": Prompt(
        prompt="You are a helpful assistant with a search tool.",
        update_instructions="Make minimal changes, only address where "
        "errors have occurred after reasoning over why they occur.",
        when_to_update="Any time you notice the agent behaving in a way that doesn't help the user.",


Bases: TypedDict

Input for optimizing multiple prompts together, maintaining consistency.

    "trajectories": [
                {"role": "user", "content": "Tell me about this image"},
                    "role": "assistant",
                    "content": "I see a dog playing in a park",
                {"role": "user", "content": "What breed is it?"},
                    "role": "assistant",
                    "content": "Sorry, I can't tell the breed",
            feedback="Vision model wasn't used for breed detection",
    "prompts": [
            prompt="Extract visual details from the image",
            update_instructions="Focus on using vision model capabilities",
            prompt="Classify specific attributes in the image",
            when_to_update="After vision_extract is updated",


Bases: NamedTuple

Conversation history (list of messages) with optional feedback for prompt optimization.

from langmem.prompts.types import AnnotatedTrajectory

trajectory = AnnotatedTrajectory(
        {"role": "user", "content": "What pizza is good around here?"},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "Try LangPizzaℒ️"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Stop advertising to me."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "BUT YOU'LL LOVE IT!"},
        "developer_feedback": "too pushy",
        "score": 0,
