LangGraph cannot identify an incoming edge to one of your nodes. Check to ensure you have added sufficient edges when constructing your graph.
Alternatively, if you are returning Command instances from your nodes to make your graphs edgeless, you will need to add an additional ends parameter when calling addNode to help LangGraph determine the destinations for your node.
Here's an example:
import{Annotation,Command}from"@langchain/langgraph";constStateAnnotation=Annotation.Root({foo:Annotation<string>,});constnodeA=async(_state:typeofStateAnnotation.State)=>{constgoto=Math.random()>.5?"nodeB":"nodeC";returnnewCommand({update:{foo:"a"},goto,});};constnodeB=async(state:typeofStateAnnotation.State)=>{return{"|b",};}constnodeC=async(state:typeofStateAnnotation.State)=>{return{"|c",};}import{StateGraph}from"@langchain/langgraph";// NOTE: there are no edges between nodes A, B and C!constgraph=newStateGraph(StateAnnotation).addNode("nodeA",nodeA,{// Explicitly specify "nodeB" and "nodeC" as potential destinations for nodeAends:["nodeB","nodeC"],}).addNode("nodeB",nodeB).addNode("nodeC",nodeC).addEdge("__start__","nodeA").compile();
Make sure that you have not forgotten to add edges between some of your nodes.
If you are returning Commands from your nodes, make sure that you're passing an ends array with the names of potential destination nodes as shown above.