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How to define graph state

This how to guide will cover different ways to define the state of your graph.



This guide requires installing the @langchain/langgraph, and @langchain/core packages:

npm install @langchain/langgraph @langchain/core

Getting started

The Annotation function is the recommended way to define your graph state for new StateGraph graphs. The Annotation.Root function is used to create the top-level state object, where each field represents a channel in the graph.

Here's an example of how to define a simple graph state with one channel called messages:

import { BaseMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";
import { Annotation } from "@langchain/langgraph";

const GraphAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
  // Define a 'messages' channel to store an array of BaseMessage objects
  messages: Annotation<BaseMessage[]>({
    // Reducer function: Combines the current state with new messages
    reducer: (currentState, updateValue) => currentState.concat(updateValue),
    // Default function: Initialize the channel with an empty array
    default: () => [],

Each channel can optionally have reducer and default functions: - The reducer function defines how new values are combined with the existing state. - The default function provides an initial value for the channel.

For more information on reducers, see the reducers conceptual guide

const QuestionAnswerAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
  question: Annotation<string>,
  answer: Annotation<string>,

Above, all we're doing is defining the channels, and then passing the un-instantiated Annotation function as the value. It is important to note we always pass in the TypeScript type of each channel as the first generics argument to Annotation. Doing this ensures our graph state is type safe, and we can get the proper types when defining our nodes. Below shows how you can extract the typings from the Annotation function:

type QuestionAnswerAnnotationType = typeof QuestionAnswerAnnotation.State;

This is equivalent to the following type:

type QuestionAnswerAnnotationType = {
  question: string;
  answer: string;

Merging states

If you have two graph state annotations, you can merge the two into a single annotation by using the spec value:

const MergedAnnotation = Annotation.Root({

The type of the merged annotation is the intersection of the two annotations:

type MergedAnnotation = {
  messages: BaseMessage[];
  question: string;
  answer: string;

Finally, instantiating your graph using the annotations is as simple as passing the annotation to the StateGraph constructor:

import { StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph";

const workflow = new StateGraph(MergedAnnotation);

State channels

The Annotation function is a convince wrapper around the low level implementation of how states are defined in LangGraph. Defining state using the channels object (which is what Annotation is a wrapper of) is still possible, although not recommended for most cases. The below example shows how to implement a graph using this pattern:

import { StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph";

interface WorkflowChannelsState {
  messages: BaseMessage[];
  question: string;
  answer: string;

const workflowWithChannels = new StateGraph<WorkflowChannelsState>({
  channels: {
    messages: {
      reducer: (currentState, updateValue) => currentState.concat(updateValue),
      default: () => [],
    question: null,
    answer: null,

Above, we set the value of question and answer to null, as it does not contain a default value. To set a default value, the channel should be implemented how the messages key is, with the default factory returing the default value. The reducer function is optional, and can be added to the channel object if needed.