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This guide uses the new interrupt function.

As of LangGraph 0.2.31, the recommended way to set breakpoints is using the interrupt function as it simplifies human-in-the-loop patterns.

If you're looking for the previous version of this conceptual guide, which relied on static breakpoints and NodeInterrupt exception, it is available here.

A human-in-the-loop (or "on-the-loop") workflow integrates human input into automated processes, allowing for decisions, validation, or corrections at key stages. This is especially useful in LLM-based applications, where the underlying model may generate occasional inaccuracies. In low-error-tolerance scenarios like compliance, decision-making, or content generation, human involvement ensures reliability by enabling review, correction, or override of model outputs.

Use cases

Key use cases for human-in-the-loop workflows in LLM-based applications include:

  1. 🛠️ Reviewing tool calls: Humans can review, edit, or approve tool calls requested by the LLM before tool execution.

  2. ✅ Validating LLM outputs: Humans can review, edit, or approve content generated by the LLM.

  3. 💡 Providing context: Enable the LLM to explicitly request human input for clarification or additional details or to support multi-turn conversations.


The interrupt function in LangGraph enables human-in-the-loop workflows by pausing the graph at a specific node, presenting information to a human, and resuming the graph with their input. This function is useful for tasks like approvals, edits, or collecting additional input. The interrupt function is used in conjunction with the Command object to resume the graph with a value provided by the human.

import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  const value = interrupt(
    // Any JSON serializable value to surface to the human.
    // For example, a question or a piece of text or a set of keys in the state
      text_to_revise: state.some_text,
  // Update the state with the human's input or route the graph based on the input
  return {
    some_text: value,

const graph = workflow.compile({
  checkpointer, // Required for `interrupt` to work

// Run the graph until the interrupt
const threadConfig = { configurable: { thread_id: "some_id" } };
await graph.invoke(someInput, threadConfig);

// Below code can run some amount of time later and/or in a different process

// Human input
const valueFromHuman = "...";

// Resume the graph with the human's input
await graph.invoke(new Command({ resume: valueFromHuman }), threadConfig);
  some_text: "Edited text";
Full Code

Here's a full example of how to use interrupt in a graph, if you'd like to see the code in action.

import { MemorySaver, Annotation, interrupt, Command, StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph";

// Define the graph state
const StateAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
  some_text: Annotation<string>()

function humanNode(state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) {
   const value = interrupt(
      // Any JSON serializable value to surface to the human.
      // For example, a question or a piece of text or a set of keys in the state
         text_to_revise: state.some_text
   return {
      // Update the state with the human's input
      some_text: value

// Build the graph
const workflow = new StateGraph(StateAnnotation)
// Add the human-node to the graph
  .addNode("human_node", humanNode)
  .addEdge("__start__", "human_node")

// A checkpointer is required for `interrupt` to work.
const checkpointer = new MemorySaver();
const graph = workflow.compile({

// Using stream() to directly surface the `__interrupt__` information.
for await (const chunk of await
   { some_text: "Original text" },
)) {

// Resume using Command
for await (const chunk of await
   new Command({ resume: "Edited text" }),
)) {
   __interrupt__: [
         value: { question: 'Please revise the text', some_text: 'Original text' },
         resumable: true,
         ns: ['human_node:10fe492f-3688-c8c6-0d0a-ec61a43fecd6'],
         when: 'during'
{ human_node: { some_text: 'Edited text' } }


To use interrupt in your graph, you need to:

  1. Specify a checkpointer to save the graph state after each step.

  2. Call interrupt() in the appropriate place. See the Design Patterns section for examples.

  3. Run the graph with a thread ID until the interrupt is hit.

  4. Resume execution using invoke/stream (see The Command primitive).

Design Patterns

There are typically three different actions that you can do with a human-in-the-loop workflow:

  1. Approve or Reject: Pause the graph before a critical step, such as an API call, to review and approve the action. If the action is rejected, you can prevent the graph from executing the step, and potentially take an alternative action. This pattern often involve routing the graph based on the human's input.

  2. Edit Graph State: Pause the graph to review and edit the graph state. This is useful for correcting mistakes or updating the state with additional information. This pattern often involves updating the state with the human's input.

  3. Get Input: Explicitly request human input at a particular step in the graph. This is useful for collecting additional information or context to inform the agent's decision-making process or for supporting multi-turn conversations.

Below we show different design patterns that can be implemented using these actions.

Note: The interrupt function propagates by throwing a special GraphInterrupt error. Therefore, you should avoid using try/catch blocks around the interrupt function - or if you do, ensure that the GraphInterrupt error is thrown again within your catch block.

Approve or Reject


Depending on the human's approval or rejection, the graph can proceed with the action or take an alternative path.

Pause the graph before a critical step, such as an API call, to review and approve the action. If the action is rejected, you can prevent the graph from executing the step, and potentially take an alternative action.

import { interrupt, Command } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanApproval(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State): Command {
  const isApproved = interrupt({
    question: "Is this correct?",
    // Surface the output that should be
    // reviewed and approved by the human.
    llm_output: state.llm_output,

  if (isApproved) {
    return new Command({ goto: "some_node" });
  } else {
    return new Command({ goto: "another_node" });

// Add the node to the graph in an appropriate location
// and connect it to the relevant nodes.
const graph = graphBuilder
  .addNode("human_approval", humanApproval)
  .compile({ checkpointer });

// After running the graph and hitting the interrupt, the graph will pause.
// Resume it with either an approval or rejection.
const threadConfig = { configurable: { thread_id: "some_id" } };
await graph.invoke(new Command({ resume: true }), threadConfig);

See how to review tool calls for a more detailed example.

Review & Edit State


A human can review and edit the state of the graph. This is useful for correcting mistakes or updating the state with additional information.
import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanEditing(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State): Command {
  const result = interrupt({
    // Interrupt information to surface to the client.
    // Can be any JSON serializable value.
    task: "Review the output from the LLM and make any necessary edits.",
    llm_generated_summary: state.llm_generated_summary,

  // Update the state with the edited text
  return {
    llm_generated_summary: result.edited_text,

// Add the node to the graph in an appropriate location
// and connect it to the relevant nodes.
const graph = graphBuilder
  .addNode("human_editing", humanEditing)
  .compile({ checkpointer });

// After running the graph and hitting the interrupt, the graph will pause.
// Resume it with the edited text.
const threadConfig = { configurable: { thread_id: "some_id" } };
await graph.invoke(
  new Command({ resume: { edited_text: "The edited text" } }),

See How to wait for user input using interrupt for a more detailed example.

Review Tool Calls


A human can review and edit the output from the LLM before proceeding. This is particularly critical in applications where the tool calls requested by the LLM may be sensitive or require human oversight.
import { interrupt, Command } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanReviewNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State): Command {
  // This is the value we'll be providing via Command.resume(<human_review>)
  const humanReview = interrupt({
    question: "Is this correct?",
    // Surface tool calls for review
    tool_call: toolCall,

  const [reviewAction, reviewData] = humanReview;

  // Approve the tool call and continue
  if (reviewAction === "continue") {
    return new Command({ goto: "run_tool" });
  // Modify the tool call manually and then continue
  else if (reviewAction === "update") {
    const updatedMsg = getUpdatedMsg(reviewData);
    // Remember that to modify an existing message you will need
    // to pass the message with a matching ID.
    return new Command({
      goto: "run_tool",
      update: { messages: [updatedMsg] },
  // Give natural language feedback, and then pass that back to the agent
  else if (reviewAction === "feedback") {
    const feedbackMsg = getFeedbackMsg(reviewData);
    return new Command({
      goto: "call_llm",
      update: { messages: [feedbackMsg] },

See how to review tool calls for a more detailed example.

Multi-turn conversation


A multi-turn conversation architecture where an agent and human node cycle back and forth until the agent decides to hand off the conversation to another agent or another part of the system.

A multi-turn conversation involves multiple back-and-forth interactions between an agent and a human, which can allow the agent to gather additional information from the human in a conversational manner.

This design pattern is useful in an LLM application consisting of multiple agents. One or more agents may need to carry out multi-turn conversations with a human, where the human provides input or feedback at different stages of the conversation. For simplicity, the agent implementation below is illustrated as a single node, but in reality it may be part of a larger graph consisting of multiple nodes and include a conditional edge.

In this pattern, each agent has its own human node for collecting user input.

This can be achieved by either naming the human nodes with unique names (e.g., "human for agent 1", "human for agent 2") or by using subgraphs where a subgraph contains a human node and an agent node.

import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanInput(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  const humanMessage = interrupt("human_input");

  return {
    messages: [
        role: "human",
        content: humanMessage

function agent(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  // Agent logic
  // ...

const graph = graphBuilder
  .addNode("human_input", humanInput)
  .addEdge("human_input", "agent")
  .compile({ checkpointer });

// After running the graph and hitting the interrupt, the graph will pause.
// Resume it with the human's input.
await graph.invoke(
  new Command({ resume: "hello!" }),

In this pattern, a single human node is used to collect user input for multiple agents. The active agent is determined from the state, so after human input is collected, the graph can route to the correct agent.

import { interrupt, Command, MessagesAnnotation } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof MessagesAnnotation.State): Command {
   * A node for collecting user input.
  const userInput = interrupt("Ready for user input.");

  // Determine the **active agent** from the state, so
  // we can route to the correct agent after collecting input.
  // For example, add a field to the state or use the last active agent.
  // or fill in `name` attribute of AI messages generated by the agents.
  const activeAgent = ...;

  return new Command({
    goto: activeAgent,
    update: {
      messages: [{
        role: "human",
        content: userInput,

See how to implement multi-turn conversations for a more detailed example.

Validating human input

If you need to validate the input provided by the human within the graph itself (rather than on the client side), you can achieve this by using multiple interrupt calls within a single node.

import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
   * Human node with validation.
  let question = "What is your age?";

  while (true) {
    const answer = interrupt(question);

    // Validate answer, if the answer isn't valid ask for input again.
    if (typeof answer !== "number" || answer < 0) {
      question = `'${answer}' is not a valid age. What is your age?`;
    } else {
      // If the answer is valid, we can proceed.

  console.log(`The human in the loop is ${answer} years old.`);

  return {
    age: answer,

The Command primitive

When using the interrupt function, the graph will pause at the interrupt and wait for user input.

Graph execution can be resumed using the Command primitive which can be passed through the invoke or stream methods.

The Command primitive provides several options to control and modify the graph's state during resumption:

  1. Pass a value to the interrupt: Provide data, such as a user's response, to the graph using new Command({ resume: value }). Execution resumes from the beginning of the node where the interrupt was used, however, this time the interrupt(...) call will return the value passed in the new Command({ resume: value }) instead of pausing the graph.
// Resume graph execution with the user's input.
await graph.invoke(new Command({ resume: { age: "25" } }), threadConfig);
  1. Update the graph state: Modify the graph state using Command({ goto: ..., update: ... }). Note that resumption starts from the beginning of the node where the interrupt was used. Execution resumes from the beginning of the node where the interrupt was used, but with the updated state.
// Update the graph state and resume.
// You must provide a `resume` value if using an `interrupt`.
await graph.invoke(
  new Command({ resume: "Let's go!!!", update: { foo: "bar" } }),

By leveraging Command, you can resume graph execution, handle user inputs, and dynamically adjust the graph's state.

Using with invoke

When you use stream to run the graph, you will receive an Interrupt event that let you know the interrupt was triggered.

invoke does not return the interrupt information. To access this information, you must use the getState method to retrieve the graph state after calling invoke.

// Run the graph up to the interrupt
const result = await graph.invoke(inputs, threadConfig);

// Get the graph state to get interrupt information.
const state = await graph.getState(threadConfig);

// Print the state values

// Print the pending tasks

// Resume the graph with the user's input.
await graph.invoke(new Command({ resume: { age: "25" } }), threadConfig);
  foo: "bar";
} // State values

    id: "5d8ffc92-8011-0c9b-8b59-9d3545b7e553",
    name: "node_foo",
    path: ["__pregel_pull", "node_foo"],
    error: null,
    interrupts: [
        value: "value_in_interrupt",
        resumable: true,
        ns: ["node_foo:5d8ffc92-8011-0c9b-8b59-9d3545b7e553"],
        when: "during",
    state: null,
    result: null,
]; // Pending tasks. interrupts

How does resuming from an interrupt work?

A critical aspect of using interrupt is understanding how resuming works. When you resume execution after an interrupt, graph execution starts from the beginning of the graph node where the last interrupt was triggered.

All code from the beginning of the node to the interrupt will be re-executed.

let counter = 0;

function node(state: State) {
  // All the code from the beginning of the node to the interrupt will be re-executed
  // when the graph resumes.
  counter += 1;

  console.log(`> Entered the node: ${counter} # of times`);

  // Pause the graph and wait for user input.
  const answer = interrupt();

  console.log("The value of counter is:", counter);
  // ...

Upon resuming the graph, the counter will be incremented a second time, resulting in the following output:

> Entered the node: 2 # of times
The value of counter is: 2

Common Pitfalls


Place code with side effects, such as API calls, after the interrupt to avoid duplication, as these are re-triggered every time the node is resumed.

This code will re-execute the API call another time when the node is resumed from the interrupt. This can be problematic if the API call is not idempotent or is just expensive.

import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
   * Human node with validation.
  apiCall(); // This code will be re-executed when the node is resumed.

  const answer = interrupt(question);
import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
   * Human node with validation.

  const answer = interrupt(question);

  apiCall(answer); // OK as it's after the interrupt
import { interrupt } from "@langchain/langgraph";

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
   * Human node with validation.

  const answer = interrupt(question);

  return {

function apiCallNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  apiCall(); // OK as it's in a separate node

Subgraphs called as functions

When invoking a subgraph as a function, the parent graph will resume execution from the beginning of the node where the subgraph was invoked (and where an interrupt was triggered). Similarly, the subgraph, will resume from the beginning of the node where the interrupt() function was called.

For example,

async function nodeInParentGraph(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
    someCode();  // <-- This will re-execute when the subgraph is resumed.
    // Invoke a subgraph as a function.
    // The subgraph contains an `interrupt` call.
    const subgraphResult = await subgraph.invoke(someInput);
Example: Parent and Subgraph Execution Flow

Say we have a parent graph with 3 nodes:

Parent Graph: node_1node_2 (subgraph call) → node_3

And the subgraph has 3 nodes, where the second node contains an interrupt:

Subgraph: sub_node_1sub_node_2 (interrupt) → sub_node_3

When resuming the graph, the execution will proceed as follows:

  1. Skip node_1 in the parent graph (already executed, graph state was saved in snapshot).
  2. Re-execute node_2 in the parent graph from the start.
  3. Skip sub_node_1 in the subgraph (already executed, graph state was saved in snapshot).
  4. Re-execute sub_node_2 in the subgraph from the beginning.
  5. Continue with sub_node_3 and subsequent nodes.

Here is abbreviated example code that you can use to understand how subgraphs work with interrupts. It counts the number of times each node is entered and prints the count.

import {
} from "@langchain/langgraph";

const GraphAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
  stateCounter: Annotation<number>({
    reducer: (a, b) => a + b,
    default: () => 0

let counterNodeInSubgraph = 0;

function nodeInSubgraph(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  counterNodeInSubgraph += 1;  // This code will **NOT** run again!
  console.log(`Entered 'nodeInSubgraph' a total of ${counterNodeInSubgraph} times`);
  return {};

let counterHumanNode = 0;

async function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  counterHumanNode += 1; // This code will run again!
  console.log(`Entered humanNode in sub-graph a total of ${counterHumanNode} times`);
  const answer = await interrupt("what is your name?");
  console.log(`Got an answer of ${answer}`);
  return {};

const checkpointer = new MemorySaver();

const subgraphBuilder = new StateGraph(GraphAnnotation)
  .addNode("some_node", nodeInSubgraph)
  .addNode("human_node", humanNode)
  .addEdge(START, "some_node")
  .addEdge("some_node", "human_node")
const subgraph = subgraphBuilder.compile({ checkpointer });

let counterParentNode = 0;

async function parentNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  counterParentNode += 1; // This code will run again on resuming!
  console.log(`Entered 'parentNode' a total of ${counterParentNode} times`);

  // Please note that we're intentionally incrementing the state counter
  // in the graph state as well to demonstrate that the subgraph update
  // of the same key will not conflict with the parent graph (until
  const subgraphState = await subgraph.invoke(state);
  return subgraphState;

const builder = new StateGraph(GraphAnnotation)
  .addNode("parent_node", parentNode)
  .addEdge(START, "parent_node")

// A checkpointer must be enabled for interrupts to work!
const graph = builder.compile({ checkpointer });

const config = {
  configurable: {
    thread_id: crypto.randomUUID(),

for await (const chunk of await{ stateCounter: 1 }, config)) {

console.log('--- Resuming ---');

for await (const chunk of await Command({ resume: "35" }), config)) {

This will print out

--- First invocation ---
In parent node: { foo: 'bar' }
Entered 'parentNode' a total of 1 times
Entered 'nodeInSubgraph' a total of 1 times
Entered humanNode in sub-graph a total of 1 times
{ __interrupt__: [{ value: 'what is your name?', resumable: true, ns: ['parent_node:0b23d72f-aaba-0329-1a59-ca4f3c8bad3b', 'human_node:25df717c-cb80-57b0-7410-44e20aac8f3c'], when: 'during' }] }

--- Resuming ---
In parent node: { foo: 'bar' }
Entered 'parentNode' a total of 2 times
Entered humanNode in sub-graph a total of 2 times
Got an answer of 35
{ parent_node: null }

Using multiple interrupts

Using multiple interrupts within a single node can be helpful for patterns like validating human input. However, using multiple interrupts in the same node can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled carefully.

When a node contains multiple interrupt calls, LangGraph keeps a list of resume values specific to the task executing the node. Whenever execution resumes, it starts at the beginning of the node. For each interrupt encountered, LangGraph checks if a matching value exists in the task's resume list. Matching is strictly index-based, so the order of interrupt calls within the node is critical.

To avoid issues, refrain from dynamically changing the node's structure between executions. This includes adding, removing, or reordering interrupt calls, as such changes can result in mismatched indices. These problems often arise from unconventional patterns, such as mutating state via Command.resume(...).update(SOME_STATE_MUTATION) or relying on global variables to modify the node's structure dynamically.

Example of incorrect code
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import {
} from "@langchain/langgraph";

const GraphAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
  name: Annotation<string>(),
  age: Annotation<string>()

function humanNode(state: typeof GraphAnnotation.State) {
  let name;
  if (! {
    name = interrupt("what is your name?");
  } else {
    name = "N/A";

  let age;
  if (!state.age) {
    age = interrupt("what is your age?");
  } else {
    age = "N/A";

  console.log(`Name: ${name}. Age: ${age}`);

  return {

const builder = new StateGraph(GraphAnnotation)
  .addNode("human_node", humanNode);
  .addEdge(START, "human_node");

// A checkpointer must be enabled for interrupts to work!
const checkpointer = new MemorySaver();

const graph = builder.compile({ checkpointer });

const config = {
  configurable: {
    thread_id: uuidv4(),

for await (const chunk of await{ age: undefined, name: undefined }, config)) {

for await (const chunk of await
  new Command({ resume: "John", update: { name: "foo" } }),
)) {
{ __interrupt__: [{
  value: 'what is your name?',
  resumable: true,
  ns: ['human_node:3a007ef9-c30d-c357-1ec1-86a1a70d8fba'],
  when: 'during'
Name: N/A. Age: John
{ human_node: { age: 'John', name: 'N/A' } }

Additional Resources 📚