Web Voyager¶
WebVoyager by He, et. al., is a vision-enabled web-browsing agent capable of controlling the mouse and keyboard.
It works by viewing annotated browser screenshots for each turn, then choosing the next step to take. The agent architecture is a basic reasoning and action (ReAct) loop. The unique aspects of this agent are: - It's usage of Set-of-Marks-like image annotations to serve as UI affordances for the agent - It's application in the browser by using tools to control both the mouse and keyboard
The overall design looks like the following:
First, let's install our required packages:
import os
from getpass import getpass
def _getpass(env_var: str):
if not os.environ.get(env_var):
os.environ[env_var] = getpass(f"{env_var}=")
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Sign up for LangSmith to quickly spot issues and improve the performance of your LangGraph projects. LangSmith lets you use trace data to debug, test, and monitor your LLM apps built with LangGraph — read more about how to get started here.
Install Agent requirements¶
The only additional requirement we have is the playwright browser. Uncomment and install below:
import nest_asyncio
# This is just required for running async playwright in a Jupyter notebook
Helper File¶
We will use some JS code for this tutorial, which you should place in a file called mark_page.js
in the same directory as the notebook you are running this tutorial from.
Define graph¶
Define graph state¶
The state provides the inputs to each node in the graph.
In our case, the agent will track the webpage object (within the browser), annotated images + bounding boxes, the user's initial request, and the messages containing the agent scratchpad, system prompt, and other information.
from typing import List, Optional
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage, SystemMessage
from playwright.async_api import Page
class BBox(TypedDict):
x: float
y: float
text: str
type: str
ariaLabel: str
class Prediction(TypedDict):
action: str
args: Optional[List[str]]
# This represents the state of the agent
# as it proceeds through execution
class AgentState(TypedDict):
page: Page # The Playwright web page lets us interact with the web environment
input: str # User request
img: str # b64 encoded screenshot
bboxes: List[BBox] # The bounding boxes from the browser annotation function
prediction: Prediction # The Agent's output
# A system message (or messages) containing the intermediate steps
scratchpad: List[BaseMessage]
observation: str # The most recent response from a tool
API Reference: BaseMessage | SystemMessage
Define tools¶
The agent has 6 simple tools:
- Click (at labeled box)
- Type
- Scroll
- Wait
- Go back
- Go to search engine (Google)
We define them below here as functions:
import asyncio
import platform
async def click(state: AgentState):
# - Click [Numerical_Label]
page = state["page"]
click_args = state["prediction"]["args"]
if click_args is None or len(click_args) != 1:
return f"Failed to click bounding box labeled as number {click_args}"
bbox_id = click_args[0]
bbox_id = int(bbox_id)
bbox = state["bboxes"][bbox_id]
except Exception:
return f"Error: no bbox for : {bbox_id}"
x, y = bbox["x"], bbox["y"]
await page.mouse.click(x, y)
# TODO: In the paper, they automatically parse any downloaded PDFs
# We could add something similar here as well and generally
# improve response format.
return f"Clicked {bbox_id}"
async def type_text(state: AgentState):
page = state["page"]
type_args = state["prediction"]["args"]
if type_args is None or len(type_args) != 2:
return (
f"Failed to type in element from bounding box labeled as number {type_args}"
bbox_id = type_args[0]
bbox_id = int(bbox_id)
bbox = state["bboxes"][bbox_id]
x, y = bbox["x"], bbox["y"]
text_content = type_args[1]
await page.mouse.click(x, y)
# Check if MacOS
select_all = "Meta+A" if platform.system() == "Darwin" else "Control+A"
await page.keyboard.press(select_all)
await page.keyboard.press("Backspace")
await page.keyboard.type(text_content)
await page.keyboard.press("Enter")
return f"Typed {text_content} and submitted"
async def scroll(state: AgentState):
page = state["page"]
scroll_args = state["prediction"]["args"]
if scroll_args is None or len(scroll_args) != 2:
return "Failed to scroll due to incorrect arguments."
target, direction = scroll_args
if target.upper() == "WINDOW":
# Not sure the best value for this:
scroll_amount = 500
scroll_direction = (
-scroll_amount if direction.lower() == "up" else scroll_amount
await page.evaluate(f"window.scrollBy(0, {scroll_direction})")
# Scrolling within a specific element
scroll_amount = 200
target_id = int(target)
bbox = state["bboxes"][target_id]
x, y = bbox["x"], bbox["y"]
scroll_direction = (
-scroll_amount if direction.lower() == "up" else scroll_amount
await page.mouse.move(x, y)
await page.mouse.wheel(0, scroll_direction)
return f"Scrolled {direction} in {'window' if target.upper() == 'WINDOW' else 'element'}"
async def wait(state: AgentState):
sleep_time = 5
await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time)
return f"Waited for {sleep_time}s."
async def go_back(state: AgentState):
page = state["page"]
await page.go_back()
return f"Navigated back a page to {page.url}."
async def to_google(state: AgentState):
page = state["page"]
await page.goto("https://www.google.com/")
return "Navigated to google.com."
Define Agent¶
The agent is driven by a multi-modal model and decides the action to take for each step. It is composed of a few runnable objects:
- A
function to annotate the current page with bounding boxes - A prompt to hold the user question, annotated image, and agent scratchpad
- GPT-4V to decide the next steps
- Parsing logic to extract the action
Let's first define the annotation step:
Browser Annotations¶
This function annotates all buttons, inputs, text areas, etc. with numbered bounding boxes. GPT-4V then just has to refer to a bounding box when taking actions, reducing the complexity of the overall task.
import base64
from langchain_core.runnables import chain as chain_decorator
# Some javascript we will run on each step
# to take a screenshot of the page, select the
# elements to annotate, and add bounding boxes
with open("mark_page.js") as f:
mark_page_script = f.read()
async def mark_page(page):
await page.evaluate(mark_page_script)
for _ in range(10):
bboxes = await page.evaluate("markPage()")
except Exception:
# May be loading...
screenshot = await page.screenshot()
# Ensure the bboxes don't follow us around
await page.evaluate("unmarkPage()")
return {
"img": base64.b64encode(screenshot).decode(),
"bboxes": bboxes,
API Reference: chain
Agent definition¶
Now we'll compose this function with the prompt, llm and output parser to complete our agent.
from langchain import hub
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
async def annotate(state):
marked_page = await mark_page.with_retry().ainvoke(state["page"])
return {**state, **marked_page}
def format_descriptions(state):
labels = []
for i, bbox in enumerate(state["bboxes"]):
text = bbox.get("ariaLabel") or ""
if not text.strip():
text = bbox["text"]
el_type = bbox.get("type")
labels.append(f'{i} (<{el_type}/>): "{text}"')
bbox_descriptions = "\nValid Bounding Boxes:\n" + "\n".join(labels)
return {**state, "bbox_descriptions": bbox_descriptions}
def parse(text: str) -> dict:
action_prefix = "Action: "
if not text.strip().split("\n")[-1].startswith(action_prefix):
return {"action": "retry", "args": f"Could not parse LLM Output: {text}"}
action_block = text.strip().split("\n")[-1]
action_str = action_block[len(action_prefix) :]
split_output = action_str.split(" ", 1)
if len(split_output) == 1:
action, action_input = split_output[0], None
action, action_input = split_output
action = action.strip()
if action_input is not None:
action_input = [
inp.strip().strip("[]") for inp in action_input.strip().split(";")
return {"action": action, "args": action_input}
# Will need a later version of langchain to pull
# this image prompt template
prompt = hub.pull("wfh/web-voyager")
API Reference: StrOutputParser | RunnablePassthrough | ChatOpenAI
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4-vision-preview", max_tokens=4096)
agent = annotate | RunnablePassthrough.assign(
prediction=format_descriptions | prompt | llm | StrOutputParser() | parse
Compile the graph¶
We've created most of the important logic. We have one more function to define that will help us update the graph state after a tool is called.
import re
def update_scratchpad(state: AgentState):
"""After a tool is invoked, we want to update
the scratchpad so the agent is aware of its previous steps"""
old = state.get("scratchpad")
if old:
txt = old[0].content
last_line = txt.rsplit("\n", 1)[-1]
step = int(re.match(r"\d+", last_line).group()) + 1
txt = "Previous action observations:\n"
step = 1
txt += f"\n{step}. {state['observation']}"
return {**state, "scratchpad": [SystemMessage(content=txt)]}
Now we can compose everything into a graph:
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda
from langgraph.graph import END, START, StateGraph
graph_builder = StateGraph(AgentState)
graph_builder.add_node("agent", agent)
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "agent")
graph_builder.add_node("update_scratchpad", update_scratchpad)
graph_builder.add_edge("update_scratchpad", "agent")
tools = {
"Click": click,
"Type": type_text,
"Scroll": scroll,
"Wait": wait,
"GoBack": go_back,
"Google": to_google,
for node_name, tool in tools.items():
# The lambda ensures the function's string output is mapped to the "observation"
# key in the AgentState
RunnableLambda(tool) | (lambda observation: {"observation": observation}),
# Always return to the agent (by means of the update-scratchpad node)
graph_builder.add_edge(node_name, "update_scratchpad")
def select_tool(state: AgentState):
# Any time the agent completes, this function
# is called to route the output to a tool or
# to the end user.
action = state["prediction"]["action"]
if action == "ANSWER":
return END
if action == "retry":
return "agent"
return action
graph_builder.add_conditional_edges("agent", select_tool)
graph = graph_builder.compile()
API Reference: RunnableLambda | END | START | StateGraph
Use the graph¶
Now that we've created the whole agent executor, we can run it on a few questions! We'll start our browser at "google.com" and then let it control the rest.
Below is a helper function to help print out the steps to the notebook (and display the intermediate screenshots).
from IPython import display
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
browser = await async_playwright().start()
# We will set headless=False so we can watch the agent navigate the web.
browser = await browser.chromium.launch(headless=False, args=None)
page = await browser.new_page()
_ = await page.goto("https://www.google.com")
async def call_agent(question: str, page, max_steps: int = 150):
event_stream = graph.astream(
"page": page,
"input": question,
"scratchpad": [],
"recursion_limit": max_steps,
final_answer = None
steps = []
async for event in event_stream:
# We'll display an event stream here
if "agent" not in event:
pred = event["agent"].get("prediction") or {}
action = pred.get("action")
action_input = pred.get("args")
steps.append(f"{len(steps) + 1}. {action}: {action_input}")
if "ANSWER" in action:
final_answer = action_input[0]
return final_answer
res = await call_agent("Could you explain the WebVoyager paper (on arxiv)?", page)
print(f"Final response: {res}")
1. Type: ['7', 'WebVoyager paper arXiv']
2. Click: ['32']
3. Click: ['3']
4. ANSWER;: ['The "WebVoyager" paper discusses the development of an end-to-end web agent that leverages large multimodal models. The abstract highlights the importance of such agents in automating complex tasks on the web, which remains a challenging domain due to the heterogeneity in structure and the semantic gap between humans and machines. The paper proposes a solution that combines neural symbolic models and multimodal web environments, aiming to advance the capabilities of these agents to perform web browsing tasks effectively. Further details would require a more in-depth analysis of the paper\'s content beyond the abstract.']
Final response: The "WebVoyager" paper discusses the development of an end-to-end web agent that leverages large multimodal models. The abstract highlights the importance of such agents in automating complex tasks on the web, which remains a challenging domain due to the heterogeneity in structure and the semantic gap between humans and machines. The paper proposes a solution that combines neural symbolic models and multimodal web environments, aiming to advance the capabilities of these agents to perform web browsing tasks effectively. Further details would require a more in-depth analysis of the paper's content beyond the abstract.
res = await call_agent(
"Please explain the today's XKCD comic for me. Why is it funny?", page
print(f"Final response: {res}")
1. retry: Could not parse LLM Output: I'm sorry, but the image provided does not contain an XKCD comic. The image shows a page from a scientific paper titled "WebVoyager 2: Building an End-to-End Web Agent with Large Multimodal Models." If you provide the XKCD comic you're referring to, I'd be happy to explain the humor in it.
2. retry: Could not parse LLM Output: I'm sorry, but I cannot assist with that request.
3. Google: None
4. Type: ['6', 'xkcd.com']
5. Click: ['25']
6. ANSWER;: ['The XKCD comic titled "Relationship Advice" pokes fun at the sometimes exaggerated way people talk about the challenges of relationships. It starts with one character stating that relationships require constant work and are like a job, which is a common sentiment. However, the other character takes this comparison to an extreme, calling it a "grueling ordeal" and a "crushing burden," which humorously exaggerates the difficulties of maintaining a relationship. The punchline comes when, after this escalation, the second character insists they\'re fine and that it\'s all normal, which satirizes how people might downplay their struggles to appear in control or deny the extent of their challenges. The humor lies in the hyperbole and the relatable nature of discussing relationship difficulties, as well as the contrast between the characters\' statements and the insistence that everything is okay.']
Final response: The XKCD comic titled "Relationship Advice" pokes fun at the sometimes exaggerated way people talk about the challenges of relationships. It starts with one character stating that relationships require constant work and are like a job, which is a common sentiment. However, the other character takes this comparison to an extreme, calling it a "grueling ordeal" and a "crushing burden," which humorously exaggerates the difficulties of maintaining a relationship. The punchline comes when, after this escalation, the second character insists they're fine and that it's all normal, which satirizes how people might downplay their struggles to appear in control or deny the extent of their challenges. The humor lies in the hyperbole and the relatable nature of discussing relationship difficulties, as well as the contrast between the characters' statements and the insistence that everything is okay.
res = await call_agent("What are the latest blog posts from langchain?", page)
print(f"Final response: {res}")
1. Google: None
2. Type: ['6', 'latest blog posts from langchain']
3. Click: ['27']
4. Click: ['14']
5. Click: ['0']
6. retry: Could not parse LLM Output: Thought: The latest blog posts from Langchain are displayed on the right side of the screen with titles and reading time. I will provide the titles of the featured blog posts as seen on the screen.
Action: ANSWER; The latest blog posts from Langchain are:
1. OpenGPTs - 7 min read
2. LangGraph: Multi-Agent Workflows - 6 min read
3. LangGraph - 7 min read
4. LangChain v0.1.0 - 10 min read
7. ANSWER;: ['The latest blog posts from Langchain are "OpenGPTs," "LangGraph: Multi-Agent Workflows," and "LangGraph."']
Final response: The latest blog posts from Langchain are "OpenGPTs," "LangGraph: Multi-Agent Workflows," and "LangGraph."
res = await call_agent(
"Could you check google maps to see when i should leave to get to SFO by 7 o'clock? starting from SF downtown.",
print(f"Final response: {res}")
1. Google: None
2. Type: ['6', 'Google Maps']
3. Click: ['0']
4. Click: ['0']
5. Wait: None
6. Click: ['22']
7. Click: ['0']
8. Click: ['2']
9. Type: ['0', 'San Francisco downtown to SFO']
10. Click: ['1']
11. Click: ['2']
12. Type: ['8', 'San Francisco International Airport SFO']
13. Click: ['14']
14. Click: ['28']
15. Scroll: ['WINDOW', 'up']
16. Scroll: ['WINDOW', 'up']
17. Click: ['10']
18. Click: ['28']
19. ANSWER;: ['To arrive at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) by 7:00 AM starting from downtown San Francisco, you should leave by 6:46 AM according to the current Google Maps information, which estimates a 44-minute travel time.']
Final response: To arrive at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) by 7:00 AM starting from downtown San Francisco, you should leave by 6:46 AM according to the current Google Maps information, which estimates a 44-minute travel time.