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All = Literal['*'] module-attribute

Special value to indicate that graph should interrupt on all nodes.

StreamMode = Literal['values', 'updates', 'debug', 'messages', 'custom'] module-attribute

How the stream method should emit outputs.

  • "values": Emit all values in the state after each step. When used with functional API, values are emitted once at the end of the workflow.
  • "updates": Emit only the node or task names and updates returned by the nodes or tasks after each step. If multiple updates are made in the same step (e.g. multiple nodes are run) then those updates are emitted separately.
  • "custom": Emit custom data using from inside nodes or tasks using StreamWriter.
  • "messages": Emit LLM messages token-by-token together with metadata for any LLM invocations inside nodes or tasks.
  • "debug": Emit debug events with as much information as possible for each step.

StreamWriter = Callable[[Any], None] module-attribute

Callable that accepts a single argument and writes it to the output stream. Always injected into nodes if requested as a keyword argument, but it's a no-op when not using stream_mode="custom".


Bases: NamedTuple

Configuration for retrying nodes.

initial_interval: float = 0.5 class-attribute instance-attribute

Amount of time that must elapse before the first retry occurs. In seconds.

backoff_factor: float = 2.0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Multiplier by which the interval increases after each retry.

max_interval: float = 128.0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum amount of time that may elapse between retries. In seconds.

max_attempts: int = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum number of attempts to make before giving up, including the first.

jitter: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether to add random jitter to the interval between retries.

retry_on: Union[Type[Exception], Sequence[Type[Exception]], Callable[[Exception], bool]] = default_retry_on class-attribute instance-attribute

List of exception classes that should trigger a retry, or a callable that returns True for exceptions that should trigger a retry.


Bases: NamedTuple

Configuration for caching nodes.

Interrupt dataclass


Bases: NamedTuple

PregelExecutableTask dataclass


Bases: NamedTuple

Snapshot of the state of the graph at the beginning of a step.

values: Union[dict[str, Any], Any] instance-attribute

Current values of channels

next: tuple[str, ...] instance-attribute

The name of the node to execute in each task for this step.

config: RunnableConfig instance-attribute

Config used to fetch this snapshot

metadata: Optional[CheckpointMetadata] instance-attribute

Metadata associated with this snapshot

created_at: Optional[str] instance-attribute

Timestamp of snapshot creation

parent_config: Optional[RunnableConfig] instance-attribute

Config used to fetch the parent snapshot, if any

tasks: tuple[PregelTask, ...] instance-attribute

Tasks to execute in this step. If already attempted, may contain an error.


A message or packet to send to a specific node in the graph.

The Send class is used within a StateGraph's conditional edges to dynamically invoke a node with a custom state at the next step.

Importantly, the sent state can differ from the core graph's state, allowing for flexible and dynamic workflow management.

One such example is a "map-reduce" workflow where your graph invokes the same node multiple times in parallel with different states, before aggregating the results back into the main graph's state.


  • node (str) –

    The name of the target node to send the message to.

  • arg (Any) –

    The state or message to send to the target node.


>>> from typing import Annotated
>>> import operator
>>> class OverallState(TypedDict):
...     subjects: list[str]
...     jokes: Annotated[list[str], operator.add]
>>> from langgraph.types import Send
>>> from langgraph.graph import END, START
>>> def continue_to_jokes(state: OverallState):
...     return [Send("generate_joke", {"subject": s}) for s in state['subjects']]
>>> from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
>>> builder = StateGraph(OverallState)
>>> builder.add_node("generate_joke", lambda state: {"jokes": [f"Joke about {state['subject']}"]})
>>> builder.add_conditional_edges(START, continue_to_jokes)
>>> builder.add_edge("generate_joke", END)
>>> graph = builder.compile()
>>> # Invoking with two subjects results in a generated joke for each
>>> graph.invoke({"subjects": ["cats", "dogs"]})
{'subjects': ['cats', 'dogs'], 'jokes': ['Joke about cats', 'Joke about dogs']}

__init__(node: str, arg: Any) -> None

Initialize a new instance of the Send class.


  • node (str) –

    The name of the target node to send the message to.

  • arg (Any) –

    The state or message to send to the target node.

Command dataclass

Bases: Generic[N], ToolOutputMixin

One or more commands to update the graph's state and send messages to nodes.


  • graph (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    graph to send the command to. Supported values are:

    • None: the current graph (default)
    • Command.PARENT: closest parent graph
  • update (Optional[Any], default: None ) –

    update to apply to the graph's state.

  • resume (Optional[Union[Any, dict[str, Any]]], default: None ) –

    value to resume execution with. To be used together with interrupt().

  • goto (Union[Send, Sequence[Union[Send, str]], str], default: () ) –

    can be one of the following:

    • name of the node to navigate to next (any node that belongs to the specified graph)
    • sequence of node names to navigate to next
    • Send object (to execute a node with the input provided)
    • sequence of Send objects

interrupt(value: Any) -> Any

Interrupt the graph with a resumable exception from within a node.

The interrupt function enables human-in-the-loop workflows by pausing graph execution and surfacing a value to the client. This value can communicate context or request input required to resume execution.

In a given node, the first invocation of this function raises a GraphInterrupt exception, halting execution. The provided value is included with the exception and sent to the client executing the graph.

A client resuming the graph must use the Command primitive to specify a value for the interrupt and continue execution. The graph resumes from the start of the node, re-executing all logic.

If a node contains multiple interrupt calls, LangGraph matches resume values to interrupts based on their order in the node. This list of resume values is scoped to the specific task executing the node and is not shared across tasks.

To use an interrupt, you must enable a checkpointer, as the feature relies on persisting the graph state.

import uuid
from typing import Optional
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.constants import START
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langgraph.types import interrupt

class State(TypedDict):
    """The graph state."""

    foo: str
    human_value: Optional[str]
    """Human value will be updated using an interrupt."""

def node(state: State):
    answer = interrupt(
        # This value will be sent to the client
        # as part of the interrupt information.
        "what is your age?"
    print(f"> Received an input from the interrupt: {answer}")
    return {"human_value": answer}

builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("node", node)
builder.add_edge(START, "node")

# A checkpointer must be enabled for interrupts to work!
checkpointer = MemorySaver()
graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=checkpointer)

config = {
    "configurable": {
        "thread_id": uuid.uuid4(),

for chunk in{"foo": "abc"}, config):
{'__interrupt__': (Interrupt(value='what is your age?', resumable=True, ns=['node:62e598fa-8653-9d6d-2046-a70203020e37'], when='during'),)}
command = Command(resume="some input from a human!!!")

for chunk in"some input from a human!!!"), config):
Received an input from the interrupt: some input from a human!!!
{'node': {'human_value': 'some input from a human!!!'}}


  • value (Any) –

    The value to surface to the client when the graph is interrupted.


  • Any ( Any ) –

    On subsequent invocations within the same node (same task to be precise), returns the value provided during the first invocation


  • GraphInterrupt

    On the first invocation within the node, halts execution and surfaces the provided value to the client.
