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How to handle tool calling errors


This guide assumes familiarity with the following:

LLMs aren't perfect at calling tools. The model may try to call a tool that doesn't exist or fail to return arguments that match the requested schema. Strategies like keeping schemas simple, reducing the number of tools you pass at once, and having good names and descriptions can help mitigate this risk, but aren't foolproof.

This guide covers some ways to build error handling into your graphs to mitigate these failure modes.


First, let's install the required packages and set our API keys

%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install --quiet -U langgraph langchain_anthropic
import getpass
import os

def _set_env(var: str):
    if not os.environ.get(var):
        os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")


Set up LangSmith for LangGraph development

Sign up for LangSmith to quickly spot issues and improve the performance of your LangGraph projects. LangSmith lets you use trace data to debug, test, and monitor your LLM apps built with LangGraph — read more about how to get started here.

Using the prebuilt ToolNode

To start, define a mock weather tool that has some hidden restrictions on input queries. The intent here is to simulate a real-world case where a model fails to call a tool correctly:

from import tool

def get_weather(location: str):
    """Call to get the current weather."""
    if location == "san francisco":
        raise ValueError("Input queries must be proper nouns")
    elif location == "San Francisco":
        return "It's 60 degrees and foggy."
        raise ValueError("Invalid input.")

API Reference: tool

Next, set up a graph implementation of the ReAct agent. This agent takes some query as input, then repeatedly call tools until it has enough information to resolve the query. We'll use the prebuilt ToolNode to execute called tools, and a small, fast model powered by Anthropic:

from typing import Literal

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, MessagesState, START, END
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode

tool_node = ToolNode([get_weather])

model_with_tools = ChatAnthropic(
    model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", temperature=0

def should_continue(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_message = messages[-1]
    if last_message.tool_calls:
        return "tools"
    return END

def call_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    response = model_with_tools.invoke(messages)
    return {"messages": [response]}

workflow = StateGraph(MessagesState)

# Define the two nodes we will cycle between
workflow.add_node("agent", call_model)
workflow.add_node("tools", tool_node)

workflow.add_edge(START, "agent")
workflow.add_conditional_edges("agent", should_continue, ["tools", END])
workflow.add_edge("tools", "agent")

app = workflow.compile()

API Reference: ChatAnthropic | StateGraph | START | END | ToolNode

from IPython.display import Image, display

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional

When you try to call the tool, you can see that the model calls the tool with a bad input, causing the tool to throw an error. The prebuilt ToolNode that executes the tool has some built-in error handling that captures the error and passes it back to the model so that it can try again:

response = app.invoke(
    {"messages": [("human", "what is the weather in san francisco?")]},

for message in response["messages"]:
    string_representation = f"{message.type.upper()}: {message.content}\n"
HUMAN: what is the weather in san francisco?

AI: [{'id': 'toolu_01K5tXKVRbETcs7Q8U9PHy96', 'input': {'location': 'san francisco'}, 'name': 'get_weather', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: Error: ValueError('Input queries must be proper nouns')
 Please fix your mistakes.

AI: [{'text': 'Apologies, it looks like there was an issue with the weather lookup. Let me try that again with the proper format:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01KSCsme3Du2NBazSJQ1af4b', 'input': {'location': 'San Francisco'}, 'name': 'get_weather', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: It's 60 degrees and foggy.

AI: The current weather in San Francisco is 60 degrees and foggy.

Custom strategies

This is a fine default in many cases, but there are cases where custom fallbacks may be better.

For example, the below tool requires as input a list of elements of a specific length - tricky for a small model! We'll also intentionally avoid pluralizing topic to trick the model into thinking it should pass a string:

from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class HaikuRequest(BaseModel):
    topic: list[str] = Field(

def master_haiku_generator(request: HaikuRequest):
    """Generates a haiku based on the provided topics."""
    model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", temperature=0)
    chain = model | StrOutputParser()
    topics = ", ".join(request.topic)
    haiku = chain.invoke(f"Write a haiku about {topics}")
    return haiku

tool_node = ToolNode([master_haiku_generator])

model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", temperature=0)
model_with_tools = model.bind_tools([master_haiku_generator])

def should_continue(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_message = messages[-1]
    if last_message.tool_calls:
        return "tools"
    return END

def call_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    response = model_with_tools.invoke(messages)
    return {"messages": [response]}

workflow = StateGraph(MessagesState)

# Define the two nodes we will cycle between
workflow.add_node("agent", call_model)
workflow.add_node("tools", tool_node)

workflow.add_edge(START, "agent")
workflow.add_conditional_edges("agent", should_continue, ["tools", END])
workflow.add_edge("tools", "agent")

app = workflow.compile()

response = app.invoke(
    {"messages": [("human", "Write me an incredible haiku about water.")]},
    {"recursion_limit": 10},

for message in response["messages"]:
    string_representation = f"{message.type.upper()}: {message.content}\n"

API Reference: StrOutputParser

HUMAN: Write me an incredible haiku about water.

AI: [{'text': 'Here is a haiku about water:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01L13Z3Gtaym5KKgPXVyZhYn', 'input': {'topic': ['water']}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: Error: 1 validation error for master_haiku_generator
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'topic': ['water']}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit
 Please fix your mistakes.

AI: [{'text': 'Oops, my apologies. Let me try that again with the correct format:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01HCQ5uXr5kXQHBQ3FyQ1Ysk', 'input': {'topic': ['water']}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: Error: 1 validation error for master_haiku_generator
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'topic': ['water']}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit
 Please fix your mistakes.

AI: [{'text': 'Hmm, it seems there was an issue with the input format. Let me try a different approach:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01RF96nruwr4nMqhLBRsbfE5', 'input': {'request': {'topic': ['water']}}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: Error: 1 validation error for master_haiku_generator
  List should have at least 3 items after validation, not 1 [type=too_short, input_value=['water'], input_type=list]
    For further information visit
 Please fix your mistakes.

AI: [{'text': 'Ah I see, the haiku generator requires at least 3 topics. Let me provide 3 topics related to water:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_011jcgHuG2Kyr87By459huqQ', 'input': {'request': {'topic': ['ocean', 'rain', 'river']}}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}]

TOOL: Here is a haiku about ocean, rain, and river:

Vast ocean's embrace,
Raindrops caress the river,
Nature's symphony.

AI: I hope this haiku about water captures the essence you were looking for! Let me know if you would like me to generate another one.
We can see that the model takes two tries to get the input correct.

A better strategy might be to trim the failed attempt to reduce distraction, then fall back to a more advanced model. Here's an example. We also use a custom-built node to call our tools instead of the prebuilt ToolNode:

import json

from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, ToolMessage
from langchain_core.messages.modifier import RemoveMessage

def master_haiku_generator(request: HaikuRequest):
    """Generates a haiku based on the provided topics."""
    model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", temperature=0)
    chain = model | StrOutputParser()
    topics = ", ".join(request.topic)
    haiku = chain.invoke(f"Write a haiku about {topics}")
    return haiku

def call_tool(state: MessagesState):
    tools_by_name = { master_haiku_generator}
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_message = messages[-1]
    output_messages = []
    for tool_call in last_message.tool_calls:
            tool_result = tools_by_name[tool_call["name"]].invoke(tool_call["args"])
        except Exception as e:
            # Return the error if the tool call fails
                    additional_kwargs={"error": e},
    return {"messages": output_messages}

model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", temperature=0)
model_with_tools = model.bind_tools([master_haiku_generator])

better_model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", temperature=0)
better_model_with_tools = better_model.bind_tools([master_haiku_generator])

def should_continue(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_message = messages[-1]
    if last_message.tool_calls:
        return "tools"
    return END

def should_fallback(
    state: MessagesState,
) -> Literal["agent", "remove_failed_tool_call_attempt"]:
    messages = state["messages"]
    failed_tool_messages = [
        for msg in messages
        if isinstance(msg, ToolMessage)
        and msg.additional_kwargs.get("error") is not None
    if failed_tool_messages:
        return "remove_failed_tool_call_attempt"
    return "agent"

def call_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    response = model_with_tools.invoke(messages)
    return {"messages": [response]}

def remove_failed_tool_call_attempt(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    # Remove all messages from the most recent
    # instance of AIMessage onwards.
    last_ai_message_index = next(
        for i, msg in reversed(list(enumerate(messages)))
        if isinstance(msg, AIMessage)
    messages_to_remove = messages[last_ai_message_index:]
    return {"messages": [RemoveMessage( for m in messages_to_remove]}

# Fallback to a better model if a tool call fails
def call_fallback_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    response = better_model_with_tools.invoke(messages)
    return {"messages": [response]}

workflow = StateGraph(MessagesState)

workflow.add_node("agent", call_model)
workflow.add_node("tools", call_tool)
workflow.add_node("remove_failed_tool_call_attempt", remove_failed_tool_call_attempt)
workflow.add_node("fallback_agent", call_fallback_model)

workflow.add_edge(START, "agent")
workflow.add_conditional_edges("agent", should_continue, ["tools", END])
workflow.add_conditional_edges("tools", should_fallback)
workflow.add_edge("remove_failed_tool_call_attempt", "fallback_agent")
workflow.add_edge("fallback_agent", "tools")

app = workflow.compile()

API Reference: AIMessage | ToolMessage | RemoveMessage

The tools node will now return ToolMessages with an error field in additional_kwargs if a tool call fails. If that happens, it will go to another node that removes the failed tool messages, and has a better model retry the tool call generation.

The diagram below shows this visually:

except Exception:
    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional

Let's try it out. To emphasize the removal steps, let's stream the responses from the model so that we can see each executed node:

stream =
    {"messages": [("human", "Write me an incredible haiku about water.")]},
    {"recursion_limit": 10},

for chunk in stream:
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content=[{'text': 'Here is a haiku about water:', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_019mY8NX4t7YkJBWeHG6jE4T', 'input': {'topic': ['water']}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}], additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_01RmoaLh38DnRX2fv7E8vCFh', 'model': 'claude-3-haiku-20240307', 'stop_reason': 'tool_use', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 384, 'output_tokens': 67}}, id='run-a1511215-1a62-49b5-b5b3-b2c8f8c7920e-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'args': {'topic': ['water']}, 'id': 'toolu_019mY8NX4t7YkJBWeHG6jE4T', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 384, 'output_tokens': 67, 'total_tokens': 451})]}}
{'tools': {'messages': [ToolMessage(content='', name='master_haiku_generator', id='69f85339-dbc2-4341-8c4d-26300dfe31a5', tool_call_id='toolu_019mY8NX4t7YkJBWeHG6jE4T')]}}
{'remove_failed_tool_call_attempt': {'messages': [RemoveMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='run-a1511215-1a62-49b5-b5b3-b2c8f8c7920e-0'), RemoveMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={}, id='69f85339-dbc2-4341-8c4d-26300dfe31a5')]}}
{'fallback_agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content=[{'text': 'Certainly! I\'d be happy to help you create an incredible haiku about water. To do this, I\'ll use the master_haiku_generator function, which requires three topics. Since you\'ve specified water as the main theme, I\'ll add two related concepts to create a more vivid and interesting haiku. Let\'s use "water," "flow," and "reflection" as our three topics.', 'type': 'text'}, {'id': 'toolu_01FxSxy8LeQ5PjdNYq8vLFTd', 'input': {'request': {'topic': ['water', 'flow', 'reflection']}}, 'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'type': 'tool_use'}], additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_01U5HV3pt1NVm6syGbxx29no', 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620', 'stop_reason': 'tool_use', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 414, 'output_tokens': 158}}, id='run-3eb746c7-b607-4ad3-881a-1c11a7638af7-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'master_haiku_generator', 'args': {'request': {'topic': ['water', 'flow', 'reflection']}}, 'id': 'toolu_01FxSxy8LeQ5PjdNYq8vLFTd', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 414, 'output_tokens': 158, 'total_tokens': 572})]}}
{'tools': {'messages': [ToolMessage(content='"Here is a haiku about water, flow, and reflection:\\n\\nRippling waters flow,\\nMirroring the sky above,\\nTranquil reflection."', name='master_haiku_generator', id='fdfc497d-939a-42c0-8748-31371b98a3a7', tool_call_id='toolu_01FxSxy8LeQ5PjdNYq8vLFTd')]}}
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content='I hope you enjoy this haiku about the beauty and serenity of water. Please let me know if you would like me to generate another one.', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'id': 'msg_012rXWHapc8tPfBPEonpAT6W', 'model': 'claude-3-haiku-20240307', 'stop_reason': 'end_turn', 'stop_sequence': None, 'usage': {'input_tokens': 587, 'output_tokens': 35}}, id='run-ab6d412d-9374-4a4b-950d-6dcc43d87cf5-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 587, 'output_tokens': 35, 'total_tokens': 622})]}}
You can see that you get a cleaner response - the more powerful model gets it right on the first try, and the smaller model's failure gets wiped from the graph state. This shorter message history also avoid overpopulating the graph state with attempts.

You can also inspect this LangSmith trace, which shows the failed initial call to the smaller model.

Next steps

You've now seen how to implement some strategies to handle tool calling errors.

Next, check out some of the other LangGraph how-to guides here.
