How to stream LLM tokens from specific nodes¶
A common use case when streaming LLM tokens is to only stream them from specific nodes. To do so, you can use stream_mode="messages"
and filter the outputs by the langgraph_node
field in the streamed metadata:
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
model = ChatOpenAI()
def node_a(state: State):
def node_b(state: State):
graph = (
for msg, metadata in
# stream from 'node_a'
if metadata["langgraph_node"] == "node_a":
Streaming from a specific LLM invocation
If you need to instead filter streamed LLM tokens to a specific LLM invocation, check out this guide
First we need to install the packages required
import getpass
import os
def _set_env(var: str):
if not os.environ.get(var):
os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")
from typing import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import START, StateGraph, MessagesState
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
class State(TypedDict):
topic: str
joke: str
poem: str
def write_joke(state: State):
topic = state["topic"]
joke_response = model.invoke(
[{"role": "user", "content": f"Write a joke about {topic}"}]
return {"joke": joke_response.content}
def write_poem(state: State):
topic = state["topic"]
poem_response = model.invoke(
[{"role": "user", "content": f"Write a short poem about {topic}"}]
return {"poem": poem_response.content}
graph = (
# write both the joke and the poem concurrently
.add_edge(START, "write_joke")
.add_edge(START, "write_poem")
API Reference: START | StateGraph | ChatOpenAI
for msg, metadata in
{"topic": "cats"},
if msg.content and metadata["langgraph_node"] == "write_poem":
print(msg.content, end="|", flush=True)
In| shadows| soft|,| they| quietly| creep|,|
|Wh|isk|ered| wonders|,| in| dreams| they| leap|.|
|With| eyes| like| lantern|s|,| bright| and| wide|,|
|Myst|eries| linger| where| they| reside|.|
|P|aws| that| pat|ter| on| silent| floors|,|
|Cur|led| in| sun|be|ams|,| they| seek| out| more|.|
|A| flick| of| a| tail|,| a| leap|,| a| p|ounce|,|
|In| their| playful| world|,| we| can't| help| but| bounce|.|
|Guard|ians| of| secrets|,| with| gentle| grace|,|
|Each| little| me|ow|,| a| warm| embrace|.|
|Oh|,| the| joy| that| they| bring|,| so| pure| and| true|,|
|In| the| heart| of| a| cat|,| there's| magic| anew|.| |