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How to stream from the final node


This guide assumes familiarity with the following:

A common use case when streaming from an agent is to stream LLM tokens from inside the final node. This guide demonstrates how you can do this.


First let's install our required packages and set our API keys

%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install -U langgraph langchain-openai langchain-community
import getpass
import os

def _set_env(var: str):
    if not os.environ.get(var):
        os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")


Set up LangSmith for LangGraph development

Sign up for LangSmith to quickly spot issues and improve the performance of your LangGraph projects. LangSmith lets you use trace data to debug, test, and monitor your LLM apps built with LangGraph — read more about how to get started here.

Define model and tools

from typing import Literal
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.runnables import ConfigurableField
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode

def get_weather(city: Literal["nyc", "sf"]):
    """Use this to get weather information."""
    if city == "nyc":
        return "It might be cloudy in nyc"
    elif city == "sf":
        return "It's always sunny in sf"
        raise AssertionError("Unknown city")

tools = [get_weather]
model = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0)
final_model = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0)

model = model.bind_tools(tools)
# NOTE: this is where we're adding a tag that we'll can use later to filter the model stream events to only the model called in the final node.
# This is not necessary if you call a single LLM but might be important in case you call multiple models within the node and want to filter events
# from only one of them.
final_model = final_model.with_config(tags=["final_node"])
tool_node = ToolNode(tools=tools)

API Reference: TavilySearchResults | ConfigurableField | tool | ChatOpenAI | create_react_agent | ToolNode

Define graph

from typing import Annotated
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from langgraph.graph import END, StateGraph, START
from langgraph.graph.message import MessagesState
from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage, SystemMessage, HumanMessage

def should_continue(state: MessagesState) -> Literal["tools", "final"]:
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_message = messages[-1]
    # If the LLM makes a tool call, then we route to the "tools" node
    if last_message.tool_calls:
        return "tools"
    # Otherwise, we stop (reply to the user)
    return "final"

def call_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    response = model.invoke(messages)
    # We return a list, because this will get added to the existing list
    return {"messages": [response]}

def call_final_model(state: MessagesState):
    messages = state["messages"]
    last_ai_message = messages[-1]
    response = final_model.invoke(
            SystemMessage("Rewrite this in the voice of Al Roker"),
    # overwrite the last AI message from the agent =
    return {"messages": [response]}

builder = StateGraph(MessagesState)

builder.add_node("agent", call_model)
builder.add_node("tools", tool_node)
# add a separate final node
builder.add_node("final", call_final_model)

builder.add_edge(START, "agent")

builder.add_edge("tools", "agent")
builder.add_edge("final", END)

graph = builder.compile()

API Reference: BaseMessage | SystemMessage | HumanMessage | END | StateGraph | START

from IPython.display import display, Image


Stream outputs from the final node

Filter on event metadata

First option to get the LLM events from within a specific node (final node in our case) is to filter on the langgraph_node field in the event metadata. This will be sufficient in case you need to stream events from ALL LLM calls inside the node. This means that if you have multiple different LLMs invoked inside the node, this filter will include events from all of them.

from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage

inputs = {"messages": [HumanMessage(content="what is the weather in sf")]}
for msg, metadata in, stream_mode="messages"):
    if (
        and not isinstance(msg, HumanMessage)
        and metadata["langgraph_node"] == "final"
        print(msg.content, end="|", flush=True)

API Reference: HumanMessage

Well| folks|,| let| me| tell| you|,| the| weather| in| San| Francisco| is| always| sunny|!| That|'s| right|,| you| can| expect| clear| skies| and| plenty| of| sunshine| when| you|'re| in| the| City| by| the| Bay|.| So| grab| your| sunglasses| and| get| ready| to| enjoy| some| beautiful| weather| in| San| Francisco|!|

Filter on custom tags

Alternatively, you can add configuration with custom tags to your LLM, like we did in the beginning, by adding final_model.with_config(tags=["final_node"]). This will allow us to more precisely filter the events to keep the ones only from this model.

inputs = {"messages": [HumanMessage(content="what's the weather in nyc?")]}
async for event in graph.astream_events(inputs, version="v2"):
    kind = event["event"]
    tags = event.get("tags", [])
    # filter on the custom tag
    if kind == "on_chat_model_stream" and "final_node" in event.get("tags", []):
        data = event["data"]
        if data["chunk"].content:
            # Empty content in the context of OpenAI or Anthropic usually means
            # that the model is asking for a tool to be invoked.
            # So we only print non-empty content
            print(data["chunk"].content, end="|", flush=True)
Looks| like| we|'ve| got| some| clouds| roll|in|'| in| over| the| Big| Apple| today|,| folks|!| Keep| an| eye| out| for| some| over|cast| skies| in| NYC|.|
