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How to return structured output from the prebuilt ReAct agent


This guide assumes familiarity with the following:

To return structured output from the prebuilt ReAct agent you can provide a response_format parameter with the desired output schema to create_react_agent:

class ResponseFormat(BaseModel):
    """Respond to the user in this format."""
    my_special_output: str

graph = create_react_agent(
    # specify the schema for the structured output using `response_format` parameter

Prebuilt ReAct makes an additional LLM call at the end of the ReAct loop to produce a structured output response. Please see this guide to learn about other strategies for returning structured outputs from a tool-calling agent.


First, let's install the required packages and set our API keys

%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install -U langgraph langchain-openai
import getpass
import os

def _set_env(var: str):
    if not os.environ.get(var):
        os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")


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# First we initialize the model we want to use.
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0)

# For this tutorial we will use custom tool that returns pre-defined values for weather in two cities (NYC & SF)

from typing import Literal
from import tool

def get_weather(city: Literal["nyc", "sf"]):
    """Use this to get weather information."""
    if city == "nyc":
        return "It might be cloudy in nyc"
    elif city == "sf":
        return "It's always sunny in sf"
        raise AssertionError("Unknown city")

tools = [get_weather]

# Define the structured output schema

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class WeatherResponse(BaseModel):
    """Respond to the user in this format."""

    conditions: str = Field(description="Weather conditions")

# Define the graph

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

graph = create_react_agent(
    # specify the schema for the structured output using `response_format` parameter

API Reference: ChatOpenAI | tool | create_react_agent


Let's now test our agent:

inputs = {"messages": [("user", "What's the weather in NYC?")]}
response = graph.invoke(inputs)

You can see that the agent output contains a structured_response key with the structured output conforming to the specified WeatherResponse schema, in addition to the message history under messages key.


Customizing prompt

You might need to further customize the second LLM call for the structured output generation and provide a system prompt. To do so, you can pass a tuple (prompt, schema):

graph = create_react_agent(
    # specify both the system prompt and the schema for the structured output
    response_format=("Always return capitalized weather conditions", WeatherResponse),

inputs = {"messages": [("user", "What's the weather in NYC?")]}
response = graph.invoke(inputs)

You can verify that the structured response now contains a capitalized value:

