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LangGraph CLI

The LangGraph CLI includes commands to build and run a LangGraph Cloud API server locally in Docker. For development and testing, use the CLI to deploy a local API server.


  1. Ensure that Docker is installed (e.g. docker --version).
  2. Install the langgraph-cli Python package (e.g. pip install langgraph-cli).
  3. Run the command langgraph --help to confirm that the CLI is installed.

Configuration File

The LangGraph CLI requires a JSON configuration file with the following keys:

Key Description
dependencies Required. Array of dependencies for LangGraph Cloud API server. Dependencies can be one of the following: (1) ".", which will look for local Python packages, (2) pyproject.toml, or requirements.txt in the app directory "./local_package", or (3) a package name.
graphs Required. Mapping from graph ID to path where the compiled graph is defined. Example: ./your_package/, where variable is an instance of langgraph.graph.graph.CompiledGraph.
env Path to .env file or a mapping from environment variable to its value.
python_version 3.11 or 3.12. Defaults to 3.11.
pip_config_file Path to pip config file.
dockerfile_lines Array of additional lines to add to Dockerfile following the import from parent image.


The LangGraph CLI defaults to using the configuration file langgraph.json in the current directory.


    "dependencies": [
    "graphs": {
        "my_graph_id": "./your_package/"
    "env": "./.env"


    "python_version": "3.11",
    "dependencies": [
    "graphs": {
        "my_graph_id": "./your_package/"
    "env": {
        "OPENAI_API_KEY": "secret-key"


The base command for the LangGraph CLI is langgraph.




Build LangGraph Cloud API server Docker image.


langgraph build [OPTIONS]


Option Default Description
--platform TEXT Target platform(s) to build the Docker image for. Example: langgraph build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-t, --tag TEXT Required. Tag for the Docker image. Example: langgraph build -t my-image
--pull / --no-pull --pull Build with latest remote Docker image. Use --no-pull for running the LangGraph Cloud API server with locally built images.
-c, --config FILE langgraph.json Path to configuration file declaring dependencies, graphs and environment variables.
--help Display command documentation.


Test your LangGraph in the cloud. The only function you can call from the SDK after testing your graph is, ...)


langgraph test [OPTIONS]


Option Default Description
--verbose Show more output from the server logs.
-c, --config FILE langgraph.json Path to configuration file declaring dependencies, graphs and environment variables.
-p, --port INTEGER 8123 Port to expose. Example: langgraph test --port 8000
--pull / --no-pull pull Pull latest images. Use --no-pull for running the server with locally-built images. Example: langgraph up --no-pull
--help Display command documentation.
