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How to stream messages from your graph

LangGraph Cloud supports multiple streaming modes. The main ones are:

  • values: This streaming mode streams back values of the graph. This is the full state of the graph after each node is called.
  • updates: This streaming mode streams back updates to the graph. This is the update to the state of the graph after each node is called.
  • messages: This streaming mode streams back messages - both complete messages (at the end of a node) as well as tokens for any messages generated inside a node. This mode is primarily meant for powering chat applications.

This guide covers stream_mode="messages".

In order to use this mode, the state of the graph you are interacting with MUST have a messages key that is a list of messages. E.g., the state should look something like:

from typing import TypedDict, Annotated
from langgraph.graph import add_messages
from langchain_core.messages import AnyMessage

class State(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list[AnyMessage], add_messages]

Alternatively, you can use an instance or subclass of from langgraph.graph import MessagesState (MessagesState is equivalent to the implementation above).


LangGraph Cloud only supports hosting graphs written in Python at the moment.

With stream_mode="messages" two things will be streamed back:

  • It outputs messages produced by any chat model called inside (unless tagged in a special way)
  • It outputs messages returned from nodes (to allow for nodes to return ToolMessages and the like

First let's set up our client and thread:

from langgraph_sdk import get_client

client = get_client(url="whatever-your-deployment-url-is")
# create thread
thread = await client.threads.create()
import { Client } from "@langchain/langgraph-sdk";

const client = new Client({ apiUrl:"whatever-your-deployment-url-is" });
// create thread
const thread = await client.threads.create();


{'thread_id': 'e1431c95-e241-4d1d-a252-27eceb1e5c86',
 'created_at': '2024-06-21T15:48:59.808924+00:00',
 'updated_at': '2024-06-21T15:48:59.808924+00:00',
 'metadata': {}}

Let's also define a helper function for better formatting of the tool calls in messages

def format_tool_calls(tool_calls):
    if tool_calls:
        formatted_calls = []
        for call in tool_calls:
                f"Tool Call ID: {call['id']}, Function: {call['name']}, Arguments: {call['args']}"
        return "\n".join(formatted_calls)
    return "No tool calls"
function formatToolCalls(toolCalls) {
  if (toolCalls && toolCalls.length > 0) {
    const formattedCalls = => {
      return `Tool Call ID: ${}, Function: ${}, Arguments: ${call.args}`;
    return formattedCalls.join("\n");
  return "No tool calls";

Now we can stream by messages, which will return complete messages (at the end of node execution) as well as tokens for any messages generated inside a node:

input = {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what's the weather in sf"}]}
config = {"configurable": {"model_name": "openai"}}

async for event in
    if event.event == "metadata":
        print(f"Metadata: Run ID - {['run_id']}")
        print("-" * 50)
    elif event.event == "messages/partial":
        for data_item in
            if "role" in data_item and data_item["role"] == "user":
                print(f"Human: {data_item['content']}")
                tool_calls = data_item.get("tool_calls", [])
                invalid_tool_calls = data_item.get("invalid_tool_calls", [])
                content = data_item.get("content", "")
                response_metadata = data_item.get("response_metadata", {})

                if content:
                    print(f"AI: {content}")

                if tool_calls:
                    print("Tool Calls:")

                if invalid_tool_calls:
                    print("Invalid Tool Calls:")

                if response_metadata:
                    finish_reason = response_metadata.get("finish_reason", "N/A")
                    print(f"Response Metadata: Finish Reason - {finish_reason}")
        print("-" * 50)
const input = {
  "messages": [
      "role": "human",
      "content": "What's the weather in sf",
const config = {"configurable": {"model_name": "openai"}}

const streamResponse =
    streamMode: "messages"
for await (const event of streamResponse) {
  if (event.event === "metadata") {
    console.log(`Metadata: Run ID - ${}`);
  } else if (event.event === "messages/partial") { => {
      if (dataItem.role && dataItem.role === "user") {
        console.log(`Human: ${dataItem.content}`);
      } else {
        const toolCalls = dataItem.tool_calls || [];
        const invalidToolCalls = dataItem.invalid_tool_calls || [];
        const content = dataItem.content || "";
        const responseMetadata = dataItem.response_metadata || {};

        if (content) {
          console.log(`AI: ${content}`);

        if (toolCalls.length > 0) {
          console.log("Tool Calls:");

        if (invalidToolCalls.length > 0) {
          console.log("Invalid Tool Calls:");

        if (responseMetadata) {
          const finishReason = responseMetadata.finish_reason || "N/A";
          console.log(`Response Metadata: Finish Reason - ${finishReason}`);


Metadata: Run ID - 1ef2fe5c-6a1d-6575-bc09-d7832711c17e
Invalid Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: 
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': ''}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather in'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather in San'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather in San Francisco'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather in San Francisco'}
Tool Calls:
Tool Call ID: call_cg14F20jMBqWYrNgEkdWHwB3, Function: tavily_search_results_json, Arguments: {'query': 'current weather in San Francisco'}
Response Metadata: Finish Reason - tool_calls
AI: The
AI: The current
AI: The current weather
AI: The current weather in
AI: The current weather in San
AI: The current weather in San Francisco
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is over
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F).
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-s
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-south
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 k
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph).
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%,
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles).
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index is
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index is 
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index is 3
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index is 3.
AI: The current weather in San Francisco is overcast with a temperature of 13.9°C (57.0°F). The wind is blowing from the south-southwest at 6.9 mph (11.2 kph). The humidity is at 81%, and the visibility is 16 km (9 miles). The UV index is 3.
Response Metadata: Finish Reason - stop
