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How to Self-Host LangGraph Cloud API

Enterprise License Required

Self-hosting LangGraph Cloud API requires a license key. Please contact for more details.

LangGraph Cloud APIs can be self-hosted with a valid LangGraph Cloud license key. Self-hosted deployments are built with Docker and deployed with Helm (on Kubernetes) or with Docker Compose. Ensure that the Docker CLI is installed.

LangGraph Cloud license key should be passed to the service as an environment variable named LANGGRAPH_CLOUD_LICENSE_KEY.

Build Docker Image

  1. Follow the How-to Guide for setting up a LangGraph application for deployment. Your LangGraph application will vary from the example in the How-to Guide. However, ensure that the LangGraph API configuration file is created.
  2. Install the LangGraph CLI.
  3. Run the following LangGraph CLI build command to build a Docker image. Specify the image tag (-t) and other desired options.
    langgraph build -t tag_name

Build Platform

When building the Docker image, ensure that the image is built for the platform of the target Kubernetes cluster: langgraph build -t tag_name --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64

Self-Host on Kubernetes

This section is for self-hosting LangGraph Cloud API on Kubernetes via Helm. A Kubernetes cluster must be provisioned before proceeding with these steps. The public Helm chart for LangGraph Cloud is available here.

  1. Publish the built Docker image to a repository that can be accessed by the target Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Ensure that the Helm client is installed.
  3. Make note of all environment variables that are needed for the application. These values will need to be set in the Helm values YAML configuration.
  4. Follow these instructions to configure the Helm chart and deploy to Kubernetes.

Self-Host with Docker

Under Construction

This section of the documentation is in progress.

Docker Compose can be used to deploy LangGraph Cloud to the compute infrastructure of your choice (e.g. VM).
