kork package#


kork.ast module#

The AST for the language.

The AST is a bit messy right now in terms of what’s a statement vs. an expression, and will likely need to be cleaned up a bit in the near future.

class kork.ast.Assign(name: str, value: kork.ast.Expr)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

Assignment statement for a variable.

name: str#
value: kork.ast.Expr#
class kork.ast.Binary(left: kork.ast.Expr, operator: str, right: kork.ast.Expr)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

A binary expression.

left: kork.ast.Expr#
operator: str#
right: kork.ast.Expr#
class kork.ast.Expr[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract expression.

accept(visitor: kork.ast.Visitor, **kwargs: Any) Any[source]#

Accept implementation for a visitor.

class kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef(name: str, params: kork.ast.ParamList, return_type: str, implementation: Optional[Callable] = None, doc_string: str = '')[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

External function definition.

add_implementation(implementation: Callable) kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef[source]#

Add an implementation to an external function definition.

doc_string: str = ''#
implementation: Optional[Callable] = None#
name: str#
params: kork.ast.ParamList#
return_type: str#
class kork.ast.FunctionCall(name: str, args: Sequence[kork.ast.Expr])[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

Represent a function call.

args: Sequence[kork.ast.Expr]#
name: str#
class kork.ast.FunctionDef(name: str, params: kork.ast.ParamList, body: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr]], return_type: str)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

Represent a function definition with an implementation.

body: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr]]#
name: str#
params: kork.ast.ParamList#
return_type: str#
class kork.ast.Grouping(expr: kork.ast.Expr)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

A grouping expression.

expr: kork.ast.Expr#
class kork.ast.List_(elements: Sequence[kork.ast.Expr])[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

List literal.

elements: Sequence[kork.ast.Expr]#
class kork.ast.Literal(value: Union[float, int, bool, None, str])[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

A literal expression.

value: Union[float, int, bool, None, str]#
class kork.ast.Param(name: str, type_: str)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

Represent a function parameter.

name: str#
type_: str#
class kork.ast.ParamList(params: Sequence[kork.ast.Param])[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

Represent a list of function parameters.

params: Sequence[kork.ast.Param]#
class kork.ast.Program(stmts: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr]])[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

Represent a program.

stmts: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr]]#
class kork.ast.Stmt[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract statement.

accept(visitor: kork.ast.Visitor, **kwargs: Any) Any[source]#

Accept implementation for a visitor.

class kork.ast.Unary(operator: str, right: kork.ast.Expr)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

A unary expression.

operator: str#
right: kork.ast.Expr#
class kork.ast.VarDecl(name: str, value: kork.ast.Expr)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Stmt

Represent a variable declaration.

name: str#
value: kork.ast.Expr#
class kork.ast.Variable(name: str)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Expr

Variable reference.

name: str#
class kork.ast.Visitor[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract visitor interface.

kork.ast_printer module#

class kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Visitor, abc.ABC

abstract visit(element: Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr], pretty_print: bool = False) str[source]#

Entry-point for printing the AST.

class kork.ast_printer.AstPrinter[source]#

Bases: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter

Default AST Printer implementation.

visit(element: Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr], pretty_print: bool = False) str[source]#

Entry-point for printing the AST.

visit_assign(assign: kork.ast.Assign, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print an assignment.

visit_binary(binary: kork.ast.Binary, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a binary expression.

visit_extern_function_def(extern_function_def: kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print an extern function definition.

visit_function_call(call: kork.ast.FunctionCall, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a function call.

visit_function_def(function_def: kork.ast.FunctionDef, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a function definition.

visit_grouping(grouping: kork.ast.Grouping, **data: Any) str[source]#
visit_list_(list_: kork.ast.List_, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a list.

visit_literal(literal: kork.ast.Literal, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a literal.

visit_param(param: kork.ast.Param, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a parameter.

visit_param_list(param_list: kork.ast.ParamList, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a parameter list.

visit_program(program: kork.ast.Program, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a program.

visit_unary(unary: kork.ast.Unary, **data: Any) str[source]#

Visit a unary expression.

visit_var_decl(var_decl: kork.ast.VarDecl, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a variable declaration.

visit_variable(variable: kork.ast.Variable, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a variable.

kork.chain module#

Implementation of a programming chain.

class kork.chain.CodeChain(*, memory: Optional[langchain.schema.BaseMemory] = None, callback_manager: langchain.callbacks.base.BaseCallbackManager = None, verbose: bool = None, llm: langchain.schema.BaseLanguageModel, interpreter: Callable[[str, kork.environment.Environment], kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter, context_retriever: Optional[kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever] = None, example_retriever: Optional[kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever] = None, instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate = PromptTemplate(input_variables=['language_name', 'external_functions_block'], output_parser=None, partial_variables={}, template='You are programming in a language called "{language_name}".\n\nYou are an expert programmer and must follow the instructions below exactly.\n\nYour goal is to translate a user query into a corresponding and valid {language_name}\nprogram.\n\n{external_functions_block}\n\nDo not assume that any other functions except for the ones listed above exist.\n\nWrap the program in <code> and </code> tags.\n\nStore the solution to the query in a variable called "result".\n\nHere is a sample valid program:\n\n<code>\nvar x = 1 # Assign 1 to the variable x\nvar result = 1 + 2 # Calculate the sum of 1 + 2 and assign to result\nvar result = x # Assign the value of x to result\n</code>\n\nGuidelines:\n- Do not use operators, instead invoke appropriate external functions.\n- Do not declare functions, do not use loops, do not use conditionals.\n- Solve the problem only using variable declarations and function invocations.\n\nBegin!\n', template_format='f-string', validate_template=True), input_key: str = 'query', language_name: str = '😼', input_formatter: Union[Literal['text_prefix'], Literal['triple_quotes'], Literal['markdown_text'], None, Callable[[str], str]] = 'triple_quotes', **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: langchain.chains.base.Chain

A coding chain.

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

Configuration for this pydantic object.

arbitrary_types_allowed = True#
extra = 'allow'#
ast_printer: AbstractAstPrinter#

The AST printer to use for the coding chain.

context_retriever: Optional[AbstractContextRetriever]#

Context to inject into the environment and prompt.

At the moment, this context is limited to external functions.

example_retriever: Optional[AbstractExampleRetriever]#

Examples that should be added to the prompt.

classmethod from_defaults(*, llm: langchain.schema.BaseLanguageModel, interpreter: typing.Callable[[str, kork.environment.Environment], kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult] = <function run_interpreter>, ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter = <kork.ast_printer.AstPrinter object>, context: typing.Optional[typing.Union[kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, typing.Callable]]]] = None, examples: typing.Optional[typing.Union[kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever, typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]]]] = None, instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate = PromptTemplate(input_variables=['language_name', 'external_functions_block'], output_parser=None, partial_variables={}, template='You are programming in a language called "{language_name}".\n\nYou are an expert programmer and must follow the instructions below exactly.\n\nYour goal is to translate a user query into a corresponding and valid {language_name}\nprogram.\n\n{external_functions_block}\n\nDo not assume that any other functions except for the ones listed above exist.\n\nWrap the program in <code> and </code> tags.\n\nStore the solution to the query in a variable called "result".\n\nHere is a sample valid program:\n\n<code>\nvar x = 1 # Assign 1 to the variable x\nvar result = 1 + 2 # Calculate the sum of 1 + 2 and assign to result\nvar result = x # Assign the value of x to result\n</code>\n\nGuidelines:\n- Do not use operators, instead invoke appropriate external functions.\n- Do not declare functions, do not use loops, do not use conditionals.\n- Solve the problem only using variable declarations and function invocations.\n\nBegin!\n', template_format='f-string', validate_template=True), input_key: str = 'query', language_name: str = '😼', input_formatter: typing.Union[typing.Literal['text_prefix'], typing.Literal['triple_quotes'], typing.Literal['markdown_text'], None, typing.Callable[[str], str]] = 'markdown_text') kork.chain.CodeChain[source]#

Create a code chain from pre-configured defaults.

  • llm – The language model to use for coding

  • interpreter – The interpreter that will be used to execute the program

  • ast_printer – An ast printer that can print the AST as a text string

  • context – Either a list of functions or a context retriever. The list of functions can be a mixture of python callables and Kork external functions. All python functions will be converted into Kork external functions, and everything passed into the default context retriever.

  • examples – An example retriever or a list of examples. If a list of examples, a simple example retriever will be created.

  • instruction_template – Use to customize the instruction components of the prompt.

  • language_name – The language name to use for the prompt.

  • input_formatter – A formatting that will be applied to the input part of each example tuple, if passing in a list of examples.

  • input_key – The input key to use.


A code chain

input_formatter: InputFormatter#

The smirking kat programming language; aka Kork; aka 😼

input_key: str#
instruction_template: PromptTemplate#

Template for the instruction prompt.

interpreter: Callable[[str, Environment], InterpreterResult]#

The interpreter to use for the coding chain.

language_name: str#
llm: BaseLanguageModel#

The language model to use for the coding chain.

prepare_context(query: str, variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[kork.environment.Environment, kork.prompt_adapter.FewShotTemplate][source]#

Get the pre-populated environment and the few shot template.

  • query – The query to prepare the context for.

  • variables – Any variables that should be added to the context.


The prepopulated environment and a pre-formatted few shot template.

class kork.chain.CodeResult[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

Result of a code chain.

code: str#
environment: Optional[kork.environment.Environment]#
errors: Sequence[Exception]#
raw: str#

kork.display module#

Utils for displaying chain results in a notebook.

class kork.display.HtmlResult[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

A result that can be displayed in a notebook.

code: str#
correct: str#
errors: str#
expected: str#
query: str#
raw: str#
result: str#
kork.display.as_html_dict(code_result: kork.chain.CodeResult, query: Optional[str] = None, expected_answer: Optional[Any] = None, result_key: str = 'result', pretty_print: bool = True) kork.display.HtmlResult[source]#

Use to generate a dict that can be easily displayed in an IPython notebook.

kork.display.as_img_tag(image: None) str[source]#

Get an HTML representation of an image.

kork.display.display_code_result(code_result: kork.chain.CodeResult, query: typing.Optional[str] = None, expected_answer: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = <kork.display._NoExpectedAnswer object>, columns: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None, result_key: str = 'result') Any[source]#

Display a code result as a table.

kork.display.display_html_results(html_results: Union[Sequence[kork.display.HtmlResult], kork.display.HtmlResult], columns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) Any[source]#

Display a sequence of HTML results as a table.

kork.display.image_base64(image: None) str[source]#

Get a base64 representation of an image.

kork.environment module#

class kork.environment.Environment(parent: typing.Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None, variables: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = <factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

Environment for storing variables and function definitions.

clone() kork.environment.Environment[source]#

Clone a root level environment, with deep copy on variables.

Cloning functionality is provided because the environment is a mutable variable.

Biggest danger is mutating the variables dict which the caller may retain a reference to.

TODO(Eugene): Refactor to make this less dangerous.

get_symbol(name: str) Any[source]#

Get a symbol from the environment.


name – symbol name to lookup


SymbolValue for the given symbol if it exists, otherwise raises an error

list_external_functions() List[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Get a list of the externally defined foreign functions.

parent: Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None#
set_symbol(name: str, value: Any) Any[source]#

Set a symbol in the environment.

variables: Dict[str, Any]#
kork.environment.create_environment(extern_function_defs: Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef], external_variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) kork.environment.Environment[source]#

Create a new environment with pre-populated state.

kork.examples module#

Interface to specify kork examples easily.

class kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract interface for an example retriever.

An example interface must implement the retrieve method which returns a list of relevant examples based on the given query.

abstract retrieve(query: str) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Retrieve examples.

class kork.examples.SimpleExampleRetriever(examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]])[source]#

Bases: kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever

Simple example retriever.

Simple example that returns the examples it was initialized with.

Supports initialization from a list of programs.


from kork import SimpleExampleRetriever, AstPrinter, c_, r_

simple_example_retriever = SimpleExampleRetriever.from_programs(
        ("add 1 2", r_(c_(add, 1, 2))),
        ("add 1 2 3", r_(c_(add, 1, 2, 3))),

examples = simple_example_retriever.retrieve("add 1 2")
classmethod from_programs(language_name: str, examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter) kork.examples.SimpleExampleRetriever[source]#

Create a simple example retriever from programs.

  • language_name – The language name to use for the markdown code blocks.

  • examples – A sequence of tuples of the form (query, desired program).

  • ast_printer – The ast printer to use to format the desired output.


A simple example retriever.

retrieve(query: str) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Retrieve examples that best match the given query.

kork.examples.c_(name: Callable, *args: Any) kork.ast.FunctionCall[source]#

Create a kork function call.

kork.examples.format_examples(language_name: str, examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter, input_formatter: Union[Literal['text_prefix'], Literal['triple_quotes'], Literal['markdown_text'], None, Callable[[str], str]] = None) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Format examples.

kork.examples.format_text(text: str, input_formatter: Union[Literal['text_prefix'], Literal['triple_quotes'], Literal['markdown_text'], None, Callable[[str], str]] = None) str[source]#

An encoder for the input text.

  • text – the text to encode

  • input_formatter – the formatter to use for the input * None: use for single sentences or single paragraphs, no formatting * triple_quotes: surround input with β€œβ€β€, use for long text * text_prefix: same as triple_quote but with `TEXT: ` prefix * Callable: user provided function


The encoded text if it was encoded

kork.examples.r_(expr: kork.ast.Expr) kork.ast.Program[source]#

Assign last program expression to a result variable.

kork.exceptions module#

Definitions for custom Kork exceptions.

exception kork.exceptions.KorkException[source]#

Bases: Exception

Generic Kork exception.

exception kork.exceptions.KorkInterpreterException[source]#

Bases: kork.exceptions.KorkException

Exceptions raised during interpretation.

exception kork.exceptions.KorkRunTimeException[source]#

Bases: kork.exceptions.KorkInterpreterException

An exception that is raised during Kork interpreter runtime.

exception kork.exceptions.KorkSyntaxException[source]#

Bases: kork.exceptions.KorkException

Exceptions raised during syntax parsing.

exception kork.exceptions.LLMParseException[source]#

Bases: kork.exceptions.KorkException

Failed to parse LLM output.

kork.foreign_funcs module#

API to import foreign functions.

class kork.foreign_funcs.FunctionInfo[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

Information about a function.

args: List[Tuple[str, Any, Any]]#
docstring: str#
name: str#
return_type: Any#
kork.foreign_funcs.to_extern_func_def(func: Callable) kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef[source]#

Convert a python function to a kork external function definition.

kork.foreign_funcs.to_kork_function_call(func: Callable, *args: Any) kork.ast.FunctionCall[source]#

Convert a python function call to a kork function call.

kork.interpreter module#

class kork.interpreter.Interpreter(program: kork.ast.Program, environment: kork.environment.Environment)[source]#

Bases: kork.ast.Visitor

Kork’s default interpreter.

intepret() None[source]#

Interpret the program.

visit_assign(assign: kork.ast.Assign) None[source]#

Visit an assignment.

visit_binary(binary: kork.ast.Binary) Any[source]#

Visit a binary expression.

visit_extern_function_def(extern_function_def: kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef) None[source]#

Visit an external function definition.

visit_function_call(call: kork.ast.FunctionCall) Any[source]#

Visit a function call.

visit_function_def(function_def: kork.ast.FunctionDef) None[source]#

Visit a function definition.

visit_grouping(grouping: kork.ast.Grouping) Any[source]#

Visit a grouping.

visit_list_(list_: kork.ast.List_) list[source]#

Visit a list.

visit_literal(literal: kork.ast.Literal) Optional[Union[int, float, bool, str]][source]#

Visit a number.

visit_program(program: kork.ast.Program) None[source]#

Visit a program.

visit_unary(unary: kork.ast.Unary) Any[source]#

Visit a unary expression.

visit_var_decl(var_decl: kork.ast.VarDecl) None[source]#

Visit a variable declaration.

visit_variable(variable: kork.ast.Variable) Any[source]#

Visit a variable.

class kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

Use this to return the result of the interpreter.

environment: kork.environment.Environment#
errors: Sequence[Exception]#
kork.interpreter.run_interpreter(code: str, environment: Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None) kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult[source]#

Run the interpreter with the given code.

  • code – The code to run

  • environment – The environment to run the code in


the final environment after running the code (this will likely change)

kork.parser module#

Kork’s default AST parser.

Kork uses Lark to parse the AST. The grammar follows closely the one used in Crafting Interpreters for the Lox Programming Language.


The grammar and parser were clobbered together in a few hours of work.

If you deeply care about language design, please forgive any transgressions, and feel free to help improve the grammar/parser/interpreter.

class kork.parser.AstParser(visit_tokens: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: lark.visitors.Transformer

An ast parser for the given language.


Create an argument list for a function from the given items.

binary(left, operator, right) kork.ast.Binary[source]#

Create a binary from the given left, operator and right.


Create a block from the given statements.

expr(item) kork.ast.Expr[source]#

Create an expression from the given item.

extern_function_decl(name, params, return_type) kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef[source]#

Extern function declaration from the given name, params and return type.

false() kork.ast.Literal[source]#

Create a false literal.

function_call(name, args) kork.ast.FunctionCall[source]#

Create a function call from the given name and args.

function_decl(name, params, return_type, block) kork.ast.FunctionDef[source]#

Function declaration from the given name, params, return type and block.

group(expr) kork.ast.Grouping[source]#

Create a group from the given expression.

identifier(name) kork.ast.Variable[source]#

Create a variable reference from the given name.

list(items) kork.ast.List_[source]#

Create a list literal from the given items.

null() kork.ast.Literal[source]#

Create a null literal.

number(item) kork.ast.Literal[source]#
param(name, type_) kork.ast.Param[source]#

Create a param from the given name and type.

params(*items) kork.ast.ParamList[source]#

Create a param list from the given items.

program(*items) kork.ast.Program[source]#

Create a program from the given statements.

scientific(coefficient, exponent) kork.ast.Literal[source]#
statement(item) kork.ast.Stmt[source]#

Create a statement from the given item.

string(item) kork.ast.Literal[source]#
true() kork.ast.Literal[source]#

Create a true literal.


Create a type from the given name.

unary_r(operator, right) kork.ast.Unary[source]#

Create a unary from the given operator and left.

var_decl(name, value) kork.ast.VarDecl[source]#

Variable declaration from the given name and value.

variable_assign(name, value) kork.ast.Assign[source]#

Create a variable assignment from the given name and value.

kork.parser.parse(source: str) kork.ast.Program[source]#

Parse the given source code into an AST.

kork.prompt_adapter module#

A prompt adapter to allow working with both regular LLMs and Chat LLMs.

The prompt adapter supports breaking the prompt into:

  1. Instruction Section

  2. (Optional) Example Section

class kork.prompt_adapter.FewShotPromptValue(*, string: Callable[[], str], messages: Callable[[], List[langchain.schema.BaseMessage]])[source]#

Bases: langchain.schema.PromptValue

Integration with langchain prompt format.

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

Configuration for this pydantic object.

arbitrary_types_allowed = True#
extra = 'forbid'#
messages: Callable[[], List[langchain.schema.BaseMessage]]#
string: Callable[[], str]#
to_messages() List[langchain.schema.BaseMessage][source]#

Get materialized messages.

to_string() str[source]#

Format the prompt to a string.

class kork.prompt_adapter.FewShotTemplate(*, input_variables: List[str], output_parser: Optional[langchain.schema.BaseOutputParser] = None, partial_variables: Mapping[str, Union[str, Callable[[], str]]] = None, instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate, examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())[source]#

Bases: langchain.prompts.base.BasePromptTemplate

Code prompt template.

examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]#
format(**kwargs: Any) str[source]#

Deprecated format method.

format_prompt(**kwargs: Any) langchain.schema.PromptValue[source]#

Format the prompt.

instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate#
to_messages(query: str) List[langchain.schema.BaseMessage][source]#

Get materialized messages.

to_string(query: str) str[source]#

Format the prompt to a string.

kork.retrieval module#

Logic that attempts to surface the most relevant information for writing code.

class kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract interface for retrieving programming context.

abstract retrieve(query: str) Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Retrieve the external function definitions.

class kork.retrieval.SimpleContextRetriever(external_functions: Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef] = ())[source]#

Bases: kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever

Retrieve information as was provided without any filtering or re-ranking.

external_functions: Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef] = ()#
classmethod from_functions(mixed_funcs: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, Callable]]) kork.retrieval.SimpleContextRetriever[source]#

Create a simple retrieval from a sequence of functions.


mixed_funcs – A sequence of functions or external function definitions.


A simple retriever.

retrieve(query: str) Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Retrieve the external function definitions.

kork.utils module#

kork.utils.unwrap_code(language_name: str, text: str) Optional[str][source]#

Extract code located inside a code tag.

kork.utils.unwrap_tag(tag_name: str, text: str) Optional[str][source]#

Extract content located inside a tag.

kork.utils.wrap_in_tag(tag_name: str, content: str) str[source]#

Wrap the content in an HTML style tag.

kork.version module#

Get the version of the package.

Module contents#

class kork.AbstractContextRetriever[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract interface for retrieving programming context.

abstract retrieve(query: str) Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Retrieve the external function definitions.

class kork.AbstractExampleRetriever[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract interface for an example retriever.

An example interface must implement the retrieve method which returns a list of relevant examples based on the given query.

abstract retrieve(query: str) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Retrieve examples.

class kork.AstPrinter[source]#

Bases: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter

Default AST Printer implementation.

visit(element: Union[kork.ast.Stmt, kork.ast.Expr], pretty_print: bool = False) str[source]#

Entry-point for printing the AST.

visit_assign(assign: kork.ast.Assign, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print an assignment.

visit_binary(binary: kork.ast.Binary, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a binary expression.

visit_extern_function_def(extern_function_def: kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print an extern function definition.

visit_function_call(call: kork.ast.FunctionCall, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a function call.

visit_function_def(function_def: kork.ast.FunctionDef, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a function definition.

visit_grouping(grouping: kork.ast.Grouping, **data: Any) str[source]#
visit_list_(list_: kork.ast.List_, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a list.

visit_literal(literal: kork.ast.Literal, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a literal.

visit_param(param: kork.ast.Param, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a parameter.

visit_param_list(param_list: kork.ast.ParamList, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a parameter list.

visit_program(program: kork.ast.Program, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a program.

visit_unary(unary: kork.ast.Unary, **data: Any) str[source]#

Visit a unary expression.

visit_var_decl(var_decl: kork.ast.VarDecl, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a variable declaration.

visit_variable(variable: kork.ast.Variable, **data: Any) str[source]#

Print a variable.

class kork.CodeChain(*, memory: Optional[langchain.schema.BaseMemory] = None, callback_manager: langchain.callbacks.base.BaseCallbackManager = None, verbose: bool = None, llm: langchain.schema.BaseLanguageModel, interpreter: Callable[[str, kork.environment.Environment], kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter, context_retriever: Optional[kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever] = None, example_retriever: Optional[kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever] = None, instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate = PromptTemplate(input_variables=['language_name', 'external_functions_block'], output_parser=None, partial_variables={}, template='You are programming in a language called "{language_name}".\n\nYou are an expert programmer and must follow the instructions below exactly.\n\nYour goal is to translate a user query into a corresponding and valid {language_name}\nprogram.\n\n{external_functions_block}\n\nDo not assume that any other functions except for the ones listed above exist.\n\nWrap the program in <code> and </code> tags.\n\nStore the solution to the query in a variable called "result".\n\nHere is a sample valid program:\n\n<code>\nvar x = 1 # Assign 1 to the variable x\nvar result = 1 + 2 # Calculate the sum of 1 + 2 and assign to result\nvar result = x # Assign the value of x to result\n</code>\n\nGuidelines:\n- Do not use operators, instead invoke appropriate external functions.\n- Do not declare functions, do not use loops, do not use conditionals.\n- Solve the problem only using variable declarations and function invocations.\n\nBegin!\n', template_format='f-string', validate_template=True), input_key: str = 'query', language_name: str = '😼', input_formatter: Union[Literal['text_prefix'], Literal['triple_quotes'], Literal['markdown_text'], None, Callable[[str], str]] = 'triple_quotes', **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: langchain.chains.base.Chain

A coding chain.

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

Configuration for this pydantic object.

arbitrary_types_allowed = True#
extra = 'allow'#
ast_printer: AbstractAstPrinter#

The AST printer to use for the coding chain.

callback_manager: BaseCallbackManager#
context_retriever: Optional[AbstractContextRetriever]#

Context to inject into the environment and prompt.

At the moment, this context is limited to external functions.

example_retriever: Optional[AbstractExampleRetriever]#

Examples that should be added to the prompt.

classmethod from_defaults(*, llm: langchain.schema.BaseLanguageModel, interpreter: typing.Callable[[str, kork.environment.Environment], kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult] = <function run_interpreter>, ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter = <kork.ast_printer.AstPrinter object>, context: typing.Optional[typing.Union[kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, typing.Callable]]]] = None, examples: typing.Optional[typing.Union[kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever, typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]]]] = None, instruction_template: langchain.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate = PromptTemplate(input_variables=['language_name', 'external_functions_block'], output_parser=None, partial_variables={}, template='You are programming in a language called "{language_name}".\n\nYou are an expert programmer and must follow the instructions below exactly.\n\nYour goal is to translate a user query into a corresponding and valid {language_name}\nprogram.\n\n{external_functions_block}\n\nDo not assume that any other functions except for the ones listed above exist.\n\nWrap the program in <code> and </code> tags.\n\nStore the solution to the query in a variable called "result".\n\nHere is a sample valid program:\n\n<code>\nvar x = 1 # Assign 1 to the variable x\nvar result = 1 + 2 # Calculate the sum of 1 + 2 and assign to result\nvar result = x # Assign the value of x to result\n</code>\n\nGuidelines:\n- Do not use operators, instead invoke appropriate external functions.\n- Do not declare functions, do not use loops, do not use conditionals.\n- Solve the problem only using variable declarations and function invocations.\n\nBegin!\n', template_format='f-string', validate_template=True), input_key: str = 'query', language_name: str = '😼', input_formatter: typing.Union[typing.Literal['text_prefix'], typing.Literal['triple_quotes'], typing.Literal['markdown_text'], None, typing.Callable[[str], str]] = 'markdown_text') kork.chain.CodeChain[source]#

Create a code chain from pre-configured defaults.

  • llm – The language model to use for coding

  • interpreter – The interpreter that will be used to execute the program

  • ast_printer – An ast printer that can print the AST as a text string

  • context – Either a list of functions or a context retriever. The list of functions can be a mixture of python callables and Kork external functions. All python functions will be converted into Kork external functions, and everything passed into the default context retriever.

  • examples – An example retriever or a list of examples. If a list of examples, a simple example retriever will be created.

  • instruction_template – Use to customize the instruction components of the prompt.

  • language_name – The language name to use for the prompt.

  • input_formatter – A formatting that will be applied to the input part of each example tuple, if passing in a list of examples.

  • input_key – The input key to use.


A code chain

input_formatter: InputFormatter#

The smirking kat programming language; aka Kork; aka 😼

input_key: str#
instruction_template: PromptTemplate#

Template for the instruction prompt.

interpreter: Callable[[str, Environment], InterpreterResult]#

The interpreter to use for the coding chain.

language_name: str#
llm: BaseLanguageModel#

The language model to use for the coding chain.

memory: Optional[BaseMemory]#
prepare_context(query: str, variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[kork.environment.Environment, kork.prompt_adapter.FewShotTemplate][source]#

Get the pre-populated environment and the few shot template.

  • query – The query to prepare the context for.

  • variables – Any variables that should be added to the context.


The prepopulated environment and a pre-formatted few shot template.

verbose: bool#
class kork.Environment(parent: typing.Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None, variables: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = <factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

Environment for storing variables and function definitions.

clone() kork.environment.Environment[source]#

Clone a root level environment, with deep copy on variables.

Cloning functionality is provided because the environment is a mutable variable.

Biggest danger is mutating the variables dict which the caller may retain a reference to.

TODO(Eugene): Refactor to make this less dangerous.

get_symbol(name: str) Any[source]#

Get a symbol from the environment.


name – symbol name to lookup


SymbolValue for the given symbol if it exists, otherwise raises an error

list_external_functions() List[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Get a list of the externally defined foreign functions.

parent: Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None#
set_symbol(name: str, value: Any) Any[source]#

Set a symbol in the environment.

variables: Dict[str, Any]#
class kork.InterpreterResult[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

Use this to return the result of the interpreter.

environment: kork.environment.Environment#
errors: Sequence[Exception]#
exception kork.KorkException[source]#

Bases: Exception

Generic Kork exception.

class kork.SimpleContextRetriever(external_functions: Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef] = ())[source]#

Bases: kork.retrieval.AbstractContextRetriever

Retrieve information as was provided without any filtering or re-ranking.

external_functions: Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef] = ()#
classmethod from_functions(mixed_funcs: Sequence[Union[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef, Callable]]) kork.retrieval.SimpleContextRetriever[source]#

Create a simple retrieval from a sequence of functions.


mixed_funcs – A sequence of functions or external function definitions.


A simple retriever.

retrieve(query: str) Sequence[kork.ast.ExternFunctionDef][source]#

Retrieve the external function definitions.

class kork.SimpleExampleRetriever(examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]])[source]#

Bases: kork.examples.AbstractExampleRetriever

Simple example retriever.

Simple example that returns the examples it was initialized with.

Supports initialization from a list of programs.


from kork import SimpleExampleRetriever, AstPrinter, c_, r_

simple_example_retriever = SimpleExampleRetriever.from_programs(
        ("add 1 2", r_(c_(add, 1, 2))),
        ("add 1 2 3", r_(c_(add, 1, 2, 3))),

examples = simple_example_retriever.retrieve("add 1 2")
classmethod from_programs(language_name: str, examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter) kork.examples.SimpleExampleRetriever[source]#

Create a simple example retriever from programs.

  • language_name – The language name to use for the markdown code blocks.

  • examples – A sequence of tuples of the form (query, desired program).

  • ast_printer – The ast printer to use to format the desired output.


A simple example retriever.

retrieve(query: str) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Retrieve examples that best match the given query.

kork.c_(name: Callable, *args: Any) kork.ast.FunctionCall[source]#

Create a kork function call.

kork.format_examples(language_name: str, examples: Sequence[Tuple[str, kork.ast.Program]], ast_printer: kork.ast_printer.AbstractAstPrinter, input_formatter: Union[Literal['text_prefix'], Literal['triple_quotes'], Literal['markdown_text'], None, Callable[[str], str]] = None) List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Format examples.

kork.r_(expr: kork.ast.Expr) kork.ast.Program[source]#

Assign last program expression to a result variable.

kork.run_interpreter(code: str, environment: Optional[kork.environment.Environment] = None) kork.interpreter.InterpreterResult[source]#

Run the interpreter with the given code.

  • code – The code to run

  • environment – The environment to run the code in


the final environment after running the code (this will likely change)